For once, a mug recipe that is not sweet... Craving for a slice of pizza but no time to prepare it? Here comes the mug pizza! It's tasty and very easy to make. Choosing your topping. Mine? Pepperoni, of course. I'm a huge fan though there are many other options available in my fridge. Like for oven pizza, you can replace the tomato sauce with pesto, the mozarella with other cheese, pick the herbs you like best and add – or not – some protein of your choice. Sausage, ham, chicken leftovers will do just fine.


For one large mug (choose a jumbo one):

4 Tbsp flour

1/8 tsp baking powder

2 pinches baking soda

1/8 tsp salt

herbs (optional) I like to use a mixture of salt and herbs I make myself

1 Tbsp oil

3 Tbsp milk


Whisk the ingredients with a fork and add on top:

1 Tbsp tomato sauce or pesto or even heavy cream

1 Tbsp mozarella or other cheese or a combo of several cheeses

herbs (oregano is my favorite but ou can also use basil or any other choice you like)

sausage, ham, pepperoni, chicken leftovers or nothing else


Microwave 1mn 20s. Cool two minutes. Eat with a fork straight from the bowl.