1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted

4 Tbsp butter, softened

1/4 cup white sugar

2 Tbsp heavy cream

1 egg, room temperature

1/3 pack dry yeast (about 2g or double the size with active, fresh yeast)

1 pinch of salt

1 cup pink pralines or raisins



Whisk the yeast in a Tbsp of barely warm water. Mix all the ingredients except the pralines or raisins with the dough hook for 10 mn. Store in an airtight container for 8 hours in the fridge.

Spread on a dusted surface. Make a square. Spread in a rectangle then fold. Turn and spread again then fold. Do it a total of 4 times. The last time, spread the pralines or raisins on the dough and fold again. Shape the dough in a circle.


Cover and leave in a warm place (oven preheated at the lowest temperature for 15 mn then switched off) with a small bowl of water next to it so it won't dry. Leave until it's doubled in size – usually 30 mn.

Bake for 30 mn at 350°F.