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01 mai 2010

No ideas for the next summer holidays?

Watch this ad for Australia and get all the present perfect used to make it. 

Read the script after waching it.

"We've bought you a beer.
We've had the camels shampooed.
We've saved you a spot on the beach.
And we've got the sharks out of pool
We got the roos off the green.
And Bill's on his way down to open the front gate.
The taxi's waiting!
And dinner is about to be served.
We've turned on the lights!
And we've been rehearsing for over 40,000 years.
So where the bloody hell are you?"

Why not creating your ad to your favorite destination, the holidays are coming soon and we've got to find ideas on where to go.

Wishing you a happy May day.

To know how they celebrate it in the UK, look at this site.

What about you? How are you going to celebrate it?

Are you going to offer some lily of the valley?

30 avril 2010

Frogs are disappearing too. Would you like to help them?

If you want to know more about the amphibian extinction crisis and on that special day go to this site.

Will the volcano be your excuse for being late for school next Monday?

The government says there's still a "large number" of Brits stuck abroad because of the volcanic ash. They reckon people stranded in places like Hong Kong, Pakistan, Thailand, and Florida could remain stuck out there for a few more days yet.

Are you in that case? Dis it disturb your plans for holiday?

I suppose you've heard about the ashes from the volcano in Iceland but if you haven't it's been causing chaos over the past few weeks across Europe.

Over six days, hundreds of flights were cancelled after a huge ash cloud drifted in and out of UK airspace.

It has sent huge clouds of volcanic ash into the air, which has meant hundreds of flights have been cancelled because it's too dangerous to fly.

The eruption, under a glacier in the Eyjafjallajoekull area of Iceland, is the second there in less than a month.

The ash contains tiny bits of rock, glass and sand which could jam aircraft engines.

To watch a video about it click here.

The oil slick is arriving in the USA.

Oil from a massive spillage in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the coastline of Louisiana - causing a state of emergency to be called. It happened after an oil rig exploded last week. Since then, around five-thousand barrels of oil a day have been pouring into the sea. That oil is moving towards wetland areas which are home to many birds and other marine life. Mark Stebly lives in Louisiana - he says this will have a big impact in an area that depends so much on its fishing industry.....

"When the oil settles to the bottom it's going to completely smother out the grass beds and the oyster reefs. Shrimp populations are going to be decimated. I mean it's just, people don't realise the reaches this could have, from Florida to Texas."

25 avril 2010

Do some crosswords and revise your irregular verbs.

Look at this site your find some new crosswords to practice irregular verbs.

23 avril 2010

On your bike !

Listen to this, you'll discover how a bike can change some people's life.

22 avril 2010

On Earth day : ask yourself the question how green am I ?


16 avril 2010

Meet the Harry Potter stars.

To see how Harry Potter stars have changed  watch this video.

To learn more on Daniel Radcliffe in his latest musical role go there.

14 avril 2010

"Interviewing a star" by the fourth form Cotton.

Here are the very first recordings made by our brand new reporters and famous people.

Forgive them for the mistakes, it was a first try and they were very impressed by the tape-recorder.

For those who tried successfully : congratulations for your goodwill, listen to yourself again and it will be even better next time.

For the others : get this as an example and be ready for the next time.

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