The government says there's still a "large number" of Brits stuck abroad because of the volcanic ash. They reckon people stranded in places like Hong Kong, Pakistan, Thailand, and Florida could remain stuck out there for a few more days yet.

Are you in that case? Dis it disturb your plans for holiday?

I suppose you've heard about the ashes from the volcano in Iceland but if you haven't it's been causing chaos over the past few weeks across Europe.

Over six days, hundreds of flights were cancelled after a huge ash cloud drifted in and out of UK airspace.

It has sent huge clouds of volcanic ash into the air, which has meant hundreds of flights have been cancelled because it's too dangerous to fly.

The eruption, under a glacier in the Eyjafjallajoekull area of Iceland, is the second there in less than a month.

The ash contains tiny bits of rock, glass and sand which could jam aircraft engines.

To watch a video about it click here.