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12 avril 2010

Clean water, healthy economy.

The week of sustainable development is finished but we mustn't forget about it.

With the 5th Chasles, we're going to look at the problem of water.

Share our discoveries and reflections on this issue.

Listen to this  podcast

You'll discover how they 've solved the problem in Yemen.

Then if you want to read it go there.

11 avril 2010

It's spring : ready for gardening?

This podcast is about growing things, listen to know more about it.

You will discover what Jacky grows, what she planted yesterday, what she is going to plant, what vegetable has changed and why she likes gardening.

You can tell me what you understood and send me your comments about gardening.

Have you ever tried it? Do your parents garden?

02 avril 2010

Let's talk about food.

 For vegetables, you've got a lot of vocabulary on this page, for fruit go there

For general vocabulary click here or there

For the exercises to complete look here and there.

01 avril 2010

Numbers, date, prices... and your favorite singer!

Many of you still have difficulties to remember numbers.

Here are some lists.

So why not revising here

or there.

Learn to practise them here.

To listen to prices go there

Repeat the dates here.

Then, listen to this.

For the time go to the 6th form section on this blog.

And to practise all that and learn more about one of your favorite singer go there.

April Fools'Day : from the BBC jokes to some of your friends false news.

To celebrate this day why don't you watch one of the most famous joke made by the BBC.

You can also read more on this and the origins of that day on this page.

What do you think of these jokes the newspapers or the TV reporters make.

Have you been fooled? This is a question some pupils answer on this page from BBC Newsround.

Are you going to play tricks on people yourself? Tell me.

Finally don't miss the false news made by some of your friends.

A stroke of luck : a golden fish ! By Thibault O. 4th form Cotton

Three days ago, Thibault O. fished a golden fish in the lake "La Tpurbière" in Lardy.

It took him three hours and forty seven minutes to take it out of the water with his old fishing rod. The fish weighed fourteen kilos and measured three meters.

Thilbault became the richest man in the world. However the money doesn't interest him, that is why he has decided to give nine million euros to a beggar. This represented half of his fortune.


30 mars 2010

The company OZ has presented its show in Lardy

On Friday 26th March the company OZ came to present its show "The Litlle Red Riding Hood and all that Jazz" to the 6th and 5th forms.

After studing the stories and the nursery rhymes in class, the pupils could enjoy the show live and appreciate the direction as well as the actors that were quite great.

Thanks to all the people who made it happen.

To keep a little souvenir of this nice moment spent together you can go to the company site where you'll find some pictures, some songs and the summary of the show.

Don't forget you can also leave me your comments.

29 mars 2010

For the news week learn more about news and the people who make them.

You're interested in reading, listening or watching the news, you've already written in the school paper or would like to, you'd like to become a journalist or a reporter, then go to this link you'll learn how they work.
By the way as you go on this blog tell me what piece of news most interests you.

Improve your listening comprehension, use the present simple and talk about sports and things you like.

As we're learning present simple in class here is a conversation about sports you can listen to on this link

Why do they speak about sports?

What sports do they like?

At the end of the recording they ask you different questions can you answer them?

Then go there if yoyu want to read the script.

25 mars 2010

Learn more about a very popular dish eaten in the UK : Fish and chip

Have you ever had fish and chip ? Do you know anything about it ?

Listen to this.

You will know what some British miss when they are abroad (not in Great Britain), when and who introduced it, how it is made, what you can eat with, how popular it is and a lot more.

Write the answers you've found on the comments and then why not trying it or telling me about the best dish you've ever eaten.

Why putting your clock forward in spring and backward in autumn?

Don't forget we lose an hour in the morning this week end.

Listen to this.

You will know why and when people started doing it and the consequences.

Then you can tell me what you think about it.

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