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14 mai 2010

Pupils'work : their house and their family

By Kimberley 6th form Gaïa

What is a miracle for you?

First listen to this song again and then give me your views on miracles.

Discover the playlist Queen : the miracle with Queen

Sing in the shower.

Why not repeating and practise singing what we listened to in class

Here is one title to start :

What a wonderful world by Sam Cooke

You can also tell me your views of a wonderful world in the comments.

Discover the playlist 6th form wonderful world with Sam Cooke

12 mai 2010

A new Prime minister in the UK

The United Kingdom finally has a new Prime Minister - David Cameron! The leader of the Conservatives took the job five days after the election.

But because no political party won enough support to be in power on their own - the Conservatives are going to have to share power with the Liberal Democrats.

So what about Gordon Brown? Well, just a couple of hours before David Cameron became Prime Minister , Gordon Brown moved out of number 10 - along with his wife sarah, and their two children John and Fraser. The last thing Mr Brown did was thank his kids.....

"I thank my sons John and Fraser for the love and joy they bring to our lives. And as I leave the second most important job I could ever hold, I cherish even more the first, as a husband and father. Thank you and goodbye."

So we know who's going to be in charge now - but what changes would you make if you were in Number 10.....

The BBC asked the question a little while ago. Here are some answers:"If I was Prime Minister I would change one thing - I would stop the destruction of habitats." "i'd encourage the electric car to stop pollution." "I would introduce more speed cameras because I see people driving too fast- especially near schools."

What about you? Have you got any ideas?

to know more about Mr Cameron go to this site

Talking about the weather.

Conversations often start by talking about the weather.

So to practise have a look at these sites.

1 the easiest

or this one

2 with more vocabulary

3 listen to a serious video

or to a funny one

Now you must be ready to talk about the weather

Can you tell me what the weather is like today?

Do you understand the picture?

11 mai 2010

Talking about the weather : look at what has just happened in the USA

Five people are thought have died in Oklahoma in America after several tornadoes hit the Southern Plains region.

Hundreds of homes and businesses were destroyed.

Some highways had to be shut down because of wrecked cars and trucks.

And the 100mph winds forced the Oklahoma airport to shut after it damaged a load of planes.

Impressing and frightening no? Next time you could perhaps exchange on the weather with your correspondants.

10 mai 2010

Gordon Brown set to quit as PM

Gordon Brown has said he will quit as the leader of the Labour party.

Do you know who he is?

What does PM and MP mean?

What is the name of the former PM?

Leave your answer in the comments.

09 mai 2010

Elections in the UK

After a long night of votes being counted, it's still not clear who will be in charge of the UK.

The Conservative party, led by David Cameron, have the most votes but it's not enough for them to have an overall majority.

It means there is now something called a 'hung parliament', none of the three main parties are fully in charge and two of the parties will have to join forces to make laws. 

Do you know what this picture represents and the title of the person who works there?

06 mai 2010

Clothes : nothing to wear !

Here is a page to learn about clothes.    

This is a good page to train.                                            

That's another page to practise.

Finally you can listen to Keely's likes and dislikes about clothes.

Remember to use this vocabulary when you get dressed every morning.

You can also send me comments on your favorite clothes or on what you're putting in your suitcase this summer.

04 mai 2010

When water gives electricity

Most of the British electricity comes from huge power stations across the UK.

They're mainly powered by coal or oil, but there are many other ways of producing power.

A reporter from the BBC went to Edinburgh in Scotland where experts are developing a new cleaner method of making electricity - using the power of the sea.

They've been nicknamed 'sea snakes' because they're really long and winding and they create electricity from the ocean's waves.

Politicians there have given the go ahead to launch a number of power stations that sit on sea.

A collection of giant metal tubes sit on the surface of the water, and as the waves hit them, they move up and down.

That movement is converted into electricity which is sent back to shore through large cables that sit on the surface of the seabed.

The project is still in its early stages, with engineers in Edinburgh putting the final touches to the wave machines before they are sent out to work in the North Sea.

Once they're in place, experts reckon each wave machine could generate enough power to run 500 homes.

Watch his video.

He even managed to walk inside one of the giant metal tubes which was really bizarre.

Inside the wave machine it was really dark and all he could hear was the echo of my voice.

There were lots of computers and wires all over the place and he had to be really careful wherever I stood.

Filming down there was pretty tough, but it was SO exciting to see how the power of the ocean could one day produce lots of electricity that will eventually be used by us in our homes in dry land.

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