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documents 4th form

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27 mai 2024

Vote for the logo of the E- twinning project ; read to travel

or propose yours

End of this year E-twinning project ; time for assessment

Dear all our project is coming to an end and we would really like to have your opinion on the activities we carried out, some advice for future projects and share goodbye messages.

Please leave your advice, ideas and messages in the padlet below.


26 février 2024

The echidnas a kind of australian hedhog and their babies the puggles

For it was in this morning happy news here you can learn more about it

31 août 2021

How to boss going back to school!

Welcome back

to boos = mener 

Watch the video and read the article here to know then you can read other articles about the same sujet and answer this question in the comments 

Quiz: What type of 'back to schooler' are you?

07 septembre 2020

The pict upon request

For the fourth forms

ibyc pict .jpg
ibyc pict .jpg, sept. 2020


29 avril 2020

Have you been cooking?

While schools have been closed many students have been helping out at home by cooking meals for their families. Have you learned a new recipe or tried cooking something strange recently?

The fourth form will notice the use of the present perfect that we've just studied but the others can look at it too.

Check out this link for English cooking vocabulary, do know what all the words mean?


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18 mars 2020

E-twinning project : from my window

As you must have seen on the ENT we're working with the italians on a new project called "from my window".

Voici un devoir de lecture et d'écriture. Vous trouvez un exemple sur twinspace et au bas de cette page et une fiche d'explication from my window.docx.

​Work well and have fun

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24 septembre 2019



23 juin 2018

The have you ever ...? game

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29 mai 2018


Watch this to get more ideas about it

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