Is it good news for the Australian Great Barrier Reef?
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 23 février 2010, 16:16 - news
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Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the greatest
natural wonders of the world and is home to thousands of different
species - including fish, seaweed, birds and turtles.
For a long time
conservationists have been worried that this unique ecosystem is being
destroyed - by overfishing and climate change. But now it looks as if
rules that banned fishing in big areas of the reef - may be working.
Research shows that some fish species there have doubled in the six
years since the rules were brought in. But the experts say the
long-term survival of the Great Barrier Reef is not guaranteed, and
think climate change still poses a big threat.