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31 mai 2010

The Titanic.

To the fifth form Descartes mainly.

Here are some sites to help you do your researches.

After looking at them you'll have to choose an aspect of this story and make an oral report about it in pairs.

It will be about 1m long and come with an illustration (a picture, a power point, something you've drawn or created).

For information in English go there

You will get the members of the crew on this site.

Here you will find The map,

and there an activity about this story.

To finish have a look at this video to understand the importance of a good pronunciation.

26 mai 2010

The future.

Learn this first

Then start by doing this exercise to practise or that one.

You could also do this one 

Look at this message, can you think of others of that kind in which the future tense is used ?

Read that joke :

"Teacher: Can people predict the future with cards?
Student: My mother can.
Teacher: Really?
Student: Yes, she takes one look at my school report and tells me what will happen when my father gets home."

Do you know any that you'd like to share?

Read that poem
And try to write one in the same way.

Discover the vision of some children for 2020 here.

Or listen to a very old song about a girl who says what she will do when she grows up.

You could also watch this very easy cartoon just for fun.

Well I hope your future will be better now and especially your future marks in english!

25 mai 2010

Ready for the choir and drama club's show ?

As the end of the year is coming soon, the Drama Club and the Choir will be giving their show next Friday and they  will be pleased to welcome you all.

You've probably seen a poster advertising it in the hall of the school or in different parts of our villages.

Receive now your personal invitation. Invitation.doc

Waiting for the D Day if you want to read the play go to our secondary school site.

Don't hesitate to leave your comments about it or your questions if any.

24 mai 2010

Don't forget mother's day !

First listen to a recording about mother's day in the States you can also read the script if you want.

For a nice poem go there.

To know what english children do on that day go there.

Then if you do something special on that day or write the most beautiful poem for your mother why don't you post it on that blog.

21 mai 2010

Know your body and learn how to express health problems.

Memorise the body

Train to memorise the face

A very easy exercise to start

and another easy one

This one is interesting too

unless you prefer that one

For more details and full pictures go there

and to listen to the words click here

Now listen or read a short conversation at the doctor's surgery

or listen  to a longer one.

I think you're ready to finally be in good health.

Look at this poster now

and if you have any ideas why not making one on a similar subject.

20 mai 2010

No idea for next friday night : Go and see the secondary school choirs of Essonne at the Opera !

They play "Marco Polo" by Isabelle Albouker at 20 H 30 at the Opera of Massy.

I've seen them on Wednesday evening and I recommend it to you.

This project was created in 1988 and it is based on volontary schools, teachers and pupils.

More than 1150 pupils are taking part and our school was represented with Miss Cazenave's choir.

 It was a real delight to listen to them and to be able to appreciate their work.

Congratulations to all of them and to the energy of their teacher.

I'm sure everyone will keep a fantastic memory from this beautiful experience.

Looking forward to the next show. NS

Don't hesitate to leave your comments if you've seen them or if you were part of the choir to tell us about it.


19 mai 2010

Know more about Christopher Columbus.

To the fifth form Chasles mainly.

Here are some sites to help you do your researches.

After looking at them you'll have to choose an aspect of his life or adventures and make an oral report about it in pairs.

It will be about 1m long and come with an illustration ( a picture, a power point, something you've drawn or created).

 a video about his life

a text to read

some interesting information

his boat

a painting

poems and songs

Here are some ideas for your report if you don't have any :

drawing his routes on a map,

compare his view of the world to the world as it is.

drawing boats, sails. makings little boats out of nutshells

creating the seas he sailed on,

creating the land he discovered.

describing the painting in the painter's position

making a  telescope, showing the tools he had.

writing dialogues, little plays.

watching a bit of the film 1492, writing a critic on it.

writing the celebrations of Columbus day.

Work well now and don't forget Miss Fiasson and I will be pleased to help you with your work.

As soon as it is finished it'll be published on this blog.

18 mai 2010

How much do you know about animals in cartoons?

Show your knowelge in this Quiz : Animal film characters from BBC newsround and check your answers after.

Now why don't you write questions to ask your friends in the comments or just tell us about your favorite cartoon or character?

The fifth forms are reading the future.

Listen to Lucie who is trying to tell Gaetan about his future.

Well done for a first try, no? Train like them and I'll record you next time.

15 mai 2010

If youv've got nothing to read have a look at this.

Tom recommends this book which is his favorite.

Read what the critics said about it.

“After Harry the Magician, here comes Oscar the Medicus! And it’s great! After reading Oscar Pill, adolescents will listen to their heartbeats in a new way. They are going to love it!”
- RTL, YA Holiday Pick of 2009

“Eli Anderson, the modern day Jules Verne…” - Elle

“Incredibly original, Eli Anderson’s fantastic young adult saga is as enthralling as those of J.K. Rowling, Philip Pullman, or Alison Goodman.”
-  24 Heures

Get an idea of the story.

Just like any other twelve year old boy, Oscar Pill’s daily life was filled with brotherly teasing, playground intrigues and schoolboy crushes. It was a perfectly ordinary life, that is, until the day he discovered he had a secret gift, and that he belonged to a very special order: the Medicus.        

Deep within the fortified walls of Cumides Circle, the Council of the Medicus is convening an emergency meeting. A terrible danger has just been unleashed – the Black Prince of the Pathologus, dark beings intent on destroying humanity, has just escaped from prison…        

As a Medicus, Oscar is called to Cumides Circle, a strange dwelling where trees can talk and move about, where books – often stubborn creatures – have voices, and where, most importantly, Oscar discovers that it is possible to travel inside living beings, including other humans.     Summoned to join the battle against the Pathologus, Oscar embarks on an adventure that will change his life.    

Oscar’s journey will open the gateways to the five Universes. Traveling from the Universe of Hepatolia (Book One), to the Universe of Spiros (Book Two), the Universe of Embrye (Book Three), and the Universe of Genetys (Book Four), Oscar has to learn to master his own powers as a Medicus and to prove himself by accomplishing the missions assigned to him. Along the way, he begins to shed light on the mysteries of his past and to understand why this ancient conflict has come to center on him. His adventures culminate in a terrifying confrontation with the Grand Pathologus that unfolds in the most fascinating and dangerous universe of all, the Universe of Cerebra (Book Five).        

At every moment of his voyage, Oscar is haunted by the memory of his father, a man he never knew but who somehow has always seemed close by. Vitaly Pill was a Medicus emeritus, one of the greatest of the order, but he disappeared in obscure circumstances before Oscar’s birth.        

The adventures of Oscar Pill are a roller-coaster ride of intrigue, adventure and pure ingenuity. The human body is transformed into a fascinating field of exploration, yielding discoveries that are at times both terrifying and fun. It provides a battlefield upon which Oscar, his friends and his enemies, meet in the eternal struggle between Good and Evil.

The first volume, The Revelation of the Medicus, was published in France in November 2009. The second, The Two Kingdoms, will come out in May 2010.

Here is the link to the book trailer

Have you heard about it or already read it too?

Thanks Tom for your advise. What about you readers, have you got a favorite book you'd like to share?

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