To the fifth form Chasles mainly.

Here are some sites to help you do your researches.

After looking at them you'll have to choose an aspect of his life or adventures and make an oral report about it in pairs.

It will be about 1m long and come with an illustration ( a picture, a power point, something you've drawn or created).

 a video about his life

a text to read

some interesting information

his boat

a painting

poems and songs

Here are some ideas for your report if you don't have any :

drawing his routes on a map,

compare his view of the world to the world as it is.

drawing boats, sails. makings little boats out of nutshells

creating the seas he sailed on,

creating the land he discovered.

describing the painting in the painter's position

making a  telescope, showing the tools he had.

writing dialogues, little plays.

watching a bit of the film 1492, writing a critic on it.

writing the celebrations of Columbus day.

Work well now and don't forget Miss Fiasson and I will be pleased to help you with your work.

As soon as it is finished it'll be published on this blog.