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14 novembre 2010

Polar bear chills at his new home in Scotland

He's just moved to the UK.

He's almost two-years-old and has a beautiful white fur coat

How long will it last for?

To know more about him and see more pictures go there

Now tell me, do you like this Teddy?

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows

Seeing Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and JK Rowling together and all dressed up can only mean one thing - it's time for a Harry Potter premiere!

For pictures of the film or interviews of the stars go there

Are you still fans?
Have you read the book?
Are you going to go and watch it when it's out in France?

Tell me or give us advise on the best films or books of the moment.

11 novembre 2010

An Indian celebration in London.

To make a change from the usual celebrations we talk about in class, watch this video and discover what Dwali is on this link.

If you prefer to read or hear a story about it go there.

08 novembre 2010

33 whales found dead on Irish coasts.

Scientists are trying to find out why whales got stranded and died off the coasts of County Donegal in Ireland.

The group's worried the whales got lost after being confused by military sonar equipment, but the Royal Navy says its closest ship was 50 miles away.

To know more about it go there. You can also send me your comments.

Lady Gaga wins big at MTV Europe Awards in Spain

Another awards do and another great night for Lady Gaga, who was the biggest winner at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

Do you like her? Is she your favorite singer?

Do this quizz to test your knowledge about her.

Or tell me about your favorite singer or song at the moment.

05 novembre 2010

Celebrate Guy Fawkes's night or Bonfire night

To discover this English celebration look at this :

Then make your guy !


Listen to

Braxton (Indiana, USA)

and to

Mathew (Los Angeles,USA)

and make notes on what they say about this celebration.

04 novembre 2010

President Obama loses support in big US election

Barack Obama was elected in November 2008 and many people thought he'd change his country and the world.

This big election is called the midterms and happens halfway through the president's time in office. 

US President Barack Obama's job is set to get a lot harder, after his party lost lots of votes in a big election.

A lot of power has been lost from his party, the Democrats, to their rivals the Republican Party.

President Obama will stay in charge of the country, but the results mean he is going to find it tougher to get things done and make new laws.

To know more about President Obama go there.

28 octobre 2010

About our correspondants

You've got correspondants in different parts of the UK and the USA.
On this page you'll now be able to know about your mail by following the messages I exchange with the teachers of the different schools.

From Anne Dykiel

Newton country Day Shcoll of the sacred heart

Newton, Massachusetts USA

to the students of 4th form Michel

on 24 10 10

Ici pas de break! bonnes vacances à toi et à tes eleves
on attend vos lettres avec impatience
on va vous raconter Halloween

on 28 10 10

on a reçu les lettres
elles étaient ravies :)
on va te repondre et elles vont raconter leur 'halloween'

From Lynne K. Cruwys Lundi, Février 8, 2010

Blackwood, South wales

"we have received your letters thanks.The class teacher who has that class is working on replies.

From Katherine Thomas, on 15/O4/10

Foothill Middle school

Walnut Creek California USA

Dear Nelly,

Thanks for your e-mail.  My students will be sending their e-mails soon, but not all at the same time.  The answers to your sustainability questions will be in English.
So sorry about Paul's disappointment:  it's my fault.  Kaylana dropped French in February, and I forgot to tell you.  I will ask Matt Huang to write to Paul (I don't think Matt has gotten any letters from your students yet, has he?)  Once we're settled into e-mail, I think everything will be easier.  
What is the exact URL of your class's website/blog?  We'd really like to see it, but still have had no luck finding it on our own.  I'm not sure if maybe you sent it as an attachment, but it didn't come through.
Thanks again,

On April 26th

Have any of your students received our e-mails?  Students are writing one paragraph in French about their sports and activities, and one paragraph in English with answers to the sustainability questions you asked.  I hope this is OK.  If you'd like me to collect their responses in some other way, I'd be glad to do that.

Hope you've had a good weekend!  Is the volcanic ash noticeable in Lardy, or was it?  Some students had extended cross-cultural visits, due to the airport delays, and though very expensive for someone, there were some positive results, too.

Last week my 8th graders went to a French restaurant for a field trip!  They spoke French quite a bit with our serveur, who was very patient and kind to them.  Two of the chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Giatzis, who hosted Julie Mathon and her family for a lovely evening about a year ago.  We all wish the Mathon family well, and hope there may be more visits between our penpals in the future!

A bientot, Nelly,

From Matthews North Carolina USA on May 4th 2010

Hi Nelly,
   How are you? It has been a while since we last spoke. I wanted to let you know that I sent off another set of hand-written letters in the mail today. Your students and  the students of your collegues should be getting them within the next couple of weeks. We discussed writing through email, however my school does not give the students their own email accounts, and all email websites are blocked from school. Some of them don't have computers or internet at home, and so we realized that it was going to be quite difficult for many of them. We have spent the last several weeks preparing for an end-of-year exam that each student will take starting next Monday, and so we have not yet had the chance to look over the questionnaire you sent us a while back. We will not see the students next week as they take the exams, but I should be able to discuss the questionnaire with them the week after. I'm not sure what the schedule is in France, but we are nearing the end of the school year. After exams next week, we only have 3 weeks left, so I don't believe we will be able to get another set of letters off to you before the end of the year. Anyways, I hope you are doing well, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care,
  Erin McGinnis

23 octobre 2010

Last but not least : Mei li's school things presentation

I know it's late for it took me some time to learn how to upload it but it's finally done and it's worth looking at. Enjoy and don't hesitate to leave your comments.

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