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18 octobre 2010

Celebrate Halloween !

It's coming soon, have you got any plans to celebrate it?

Get ready and have a look at this game to start.

If you want to learn more on Halloween go to this interactive book.

To listen to what people have to say about it go there or listen to this

For those want to make something for the class, there are many ideas here, have fun.

Now for invitations click here and for cakes go there 

You can also tell me your plans or send me your best creations or pictures, happy halloween!

14 octobre 2010

Sorry mistake, error !!!

Excuse me I'm extremely sorry but you can't listen to the presentation of the characters of your book. It isn't on your pupil's CD. 

Next lesson is. It's for next time. Don't worry we'll do it tomorrow . Thanks for telling me Kimberley.

Good evening 

12 octobre 2010

Can you find Big Ben on this map?

This is for Etienne and the others who didn't know where it was.

You can see it better on that link.

Have you found it now?

Tell me, where is it located?

Do you know other monuments in London?

11 octobre 2010

Prepare your PPC or PPI with the blog.

Don't forget you are doing your speaking test this week.

Revise with the different articles and pupils'works.

Look at:

Hello and goodbye (6th)

School things, the fifth forms's desk (5th)

Introduce yourself (5th)

Talk about your family (5th)

How to ask questions (4th)

Let's talk about food (6th, April 2nd)

Train on the different situations done in class to get a good mark.

07 octobre 2010

New Earth-like planet discovered

                                                                           Artist's impression of new Earth-like planet discovered by astronomers

The discovery of a new Earth-like planet with conditions that could support life has got scientists really excited.

The planet is about the right distance from its Sun, so it's not too hot or cold for life to survive there.

It means the planet, which is called Gliese 581g, could have water and the right atmosphere.

The find has sparked hope that there are many more planets in space that could be home to living beings. 

To know more about it and to prove your knowledge on space go there

Are you dreaming of living on another planet or meeting aliens? tell me your views on that.

06 octobre 2010


As you may probably already know the EDD class, the 5th Chasles started working last week.

Their first theme will be the biodiversity.

To start getting information on the subject, let's be optimistic and look at this page from the BBC

Nearly 200 countries have agreed on measures to protect the world's most threatened wildlife.

On the other hand, Scientists found around 200 new species during their survey of the Nakanai and Muller mountain ranges in Papua New Guinea.

 They found 100 spiders, including this one, the Anelosimus.

To know more about it go there.

Then the Chasles can tell us about what they  found around our school last week, I heard about spiders too, didn't I ?

04 octobre 2010

World Animal day

It's World animal day today! You may have seen the work of the 5th Chasles about it.

Here is what we sent to the Turkish school we're working with : edd_world_annimal_day.odt

This is a good site to learn more about it, try to do the listening activity and fill the blanks in the exercise.

You can also learn a lot on endangered animals here.

03 octobre 2010

Europe and stereotypes

Learn more about Europe here or there 

Choose one country and in pair, write a little dialogue on it.

(One of you will be an English tourist visiting the European country of your choice.

To make it sound funny you can include stereotypes)

For stereotypes look at these :

1 What a perfect european should be.

2 How the americans see Europe

3 Draw or illustrate a person from each country

4 The brits abroad

5 Heaven is when ...

Work well, your work will be recorded

26 septembre 2010

Introducing oneself

To practise introducing yourself you could start by listening to people introducing themselves

23 septembre 2010

EDD themes for 2010-11 : Biodiversity and forest year plus other events.

A great site about environment to look at all year round. 

A video on the forest and its wildlife to introduce the subject : Vancouver rain forest


Year of biodiversity

Watch this :

UN Secretary General Welcome Message for the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity from CBD on Vimeo.

Rediscovered species

Endangered species

Celebrate world animal day  on oct 4th or just look at what people do


international year of forest

Amazon deforestation

don't forget Arbor day on 30 April

and other important dates :

World water day 22nd March

Earth day 22nd April

World environment day 5th June

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