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05 novembre 2011

Use and understand the past simple.

After talking about your holiday get used to use the preterit or past simple more and speak about your past.

Prepare your oral presentation :

1 look at the article of 30th August 2010

2 Practice the pronounciation of "ed" for the regular verbs here

3 Practice listening and learning irregular verbs

4 How about listening to this easy converstion about a week end here

Try to find what the person did and think about it and then train to answer when people tell you  what they did.  
You've got the script here if it's too difficult at first but then do it again without reading.

5 On this podcast a little girl is talking about her day at school, to listen click here.

Do this exercise after, can you understand her?

Now tell me, did you have a good day? What did you do at school? what did you learn? ...

6 You could also try this very english game "snakes and ladders" and have fun and learn at the same time.

Now, Why don't you use the simple past and learn more about Davy Crockett at the same time.

Watch the trailer of  "The Alamo" on this link, read the story and do the game after.

Why don't you write about your hero now. Give me your work, I'll put it on this page.

conversation practise : showing interest

In your first oral interaction some of you had difficulties to really show their interest in the conversation.  The followowing recording will help you.

Train to ask questions when people tell you about something to show you're interested in what they're saying.

First listen to this. Try to understand it and if it's difficult read the script  there and listen again. Then train to ask questions as in the exemples on the recording.

New Correspondants : When English becomes a tool to speak to the whole world !

The 3rd form Miller have received their first mail from the USA and some pupils of this class have also sent letters to Ireland.

The 4th forms have sent letters to Finland and to Italy and we're are waiting for the address of our third correspond in Spain certainly to send the last letters.

The 5th forms are still co-writing stories of the forest with  pupils from Croatia.

We're quite international in Lardy, aren't we?

01 novembre 2011

Let's start again !

The autumn holiday is finishing and we're on our way to Xmas now !

Tell me did you have a good break ?

 I know some of you went to the States or to England, don't hesitate to share your impressions here.

Did you watch the Rugby final and cry for our French team?

Did you have walks in the forest or go to the cinema ?

Did you celebrate Halloween?

I can't wait for tomorrow to know all about it.

I have got a surprise on my side, I've found new correspondants for the 4th forms.

11 octobre 2011

The real HAKA

New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, is famous for the Haka - a traditional Maori war dance - that is performed to intimidate the other team before the start of a rugby match! Watch a haka in action here:

What do you think it means?

Can you imagine what they say to their opponants in English?

The rugby world cup 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011 combines the passion and intensity of the world's largest Rugby tournament with the picturesque beauty of the New Zealand landscape.

Are you watching it?

What do you know or want to know about it?

Send me your comments.

05 octobre 2011

Thanks for this lovely surprise !

I was welcomed with a whole class singing in chorus "happy birthday to you" and delicious cookies that we all shared. Yummy!

It was a very nice surprise, thank you very much again. 

The cook can give us the recipe for the cookies when she wants.

04 octobre 2011

A new start for the Drama club !

It opened again today with new people and old ones.

It's not too late if you want to be a member.

We're rewriting a chinese story and want to play it with puppets and a shadow theater. 

Here is what we can do with shadow theater

There you can watch what the company Daru did last year with the same story.

Le Rossignol de l'empereur de Chine Zao - Tournée 2010//2011 from Compagnie Daru on Vimeo.

Enjoy and come and join us

03 octobre 2011

Speaking english and taking part in a show.

Look at this french guy at "Britain's got talent" and tell me, would you vote for him?

Michael Moral - "Britain's Got Talent 2011" par RebeuTech

School is cool in the UK

After watching school is cool in the US, go back to september 23rd 2010,  you can compare with what it is like in the UK, just click here.


And why not making your comments, posters, recording or powerpoints  about school in France.

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