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27 septembre 2011

I'm the walrus.

For Alexis B and the others who wanted to watch it again.

22 septembre 2011

New e-Twinning partners from Croatia for the sustainable development class.

Some pupils from the 5th form Chasles are going to write stories about the forest with pupils of the same age and same level of English in a Croatian school.

To see what was done last year in Lardy  with e-Twinning go there.

To celebrate the year of the forest, our correspondants have already made a presentation of the forest of Murscak, a forest near their town Cakovec

Look at it on their school site.

And together let's celebrate it!

Autumn is coming and the forest will be beautiful. 

06 septembre 2011

Back to school

I really hope you had a very good holiday and feel well to start again.

I wish you all the best for this school year.

Don't hesitate to leave your comments about your holiday or your feelings about being back.

29 juin 2011

The 6th form's pupets of Guy Fawkes

Before going to England we finally managed to film the puppets'show of Guy Fawkes.

After studing the story and making puppets with their Art teacher they learnt a little play and here is what it looked like.

Not bad for a first trial everybody really tried hard to remember the text and to pronounce it as well as possible. Congratulations.

The best reward was that in London at the tower we met the carecter of Guy Fawkes in costume. He accepted to make a picture with the group and told us his story. He was indeed really surprised to see a group of 11 yearsold french children who new about him.

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10 mai 2011

Big challenge on Thursday.

Don't forget you take the test at 8.10 at the canteen on Thursday 12th May, that is after tomorrow.

Come with a black pen and all your energy.

Courage everybody. Do your best.

If you still want to practise go to the big challenge official site.

Good luck !

Drama club play and dances.

The drama club will present its play on Friday 20th to the fifth formers in the afternoon and to the parents and friends in the evening.

To know what it's all about you can read the script of the play here.

We'll also have some dances after and before the play.

04 mai 2011

The venue of the Drama ties company in Lardy !

To discover pictures of the show and comments from the 6th form Artemis look at this :


30 avril 2011

About the royal wedding.

They are husband and wife.

To wach pictures of the wedding go there.

For a lego royal wedding go there.

To get drawings of the dress look at this.

For a quizz it's here

For your wishes or comments don't hesitate to write to me.

25 avril 2011

A sunny hot Easter weekend !

Most parts of Britain have been enjoying an Easter weekend of sun, sun, sun - Saturday was the hottest day of the year so far! Beaches like this one in Brighton have been packed.

And you how did you spend this Easter weekend?

13 avril 2011

Recordings of Gull's boxes.

For the members of the Drama club who have some difficulties to learn their parts.

Now listen to your scenes again and again and learn them.

Be careful to the pronounciation and the intonation.

The show is on May 20th.

No time to lose.


scene 2


scene 3

scene 4

scene 5

scene 6

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