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21 mai 2012

How do you like spring?

This is the first answer I got to the competion I launched about your best picture or drawing about spring. 

I hope I'll soon get some more.

10 mai 2012

Run, Run, Run ...

You will run for this : Action Against Hunger


Action Against Hunger works in over 40 countries to carry out innovative, lifesaving programmes in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health and advocacy. Every year, our 6,000 aid workers help over 4 million people worldwide.



Our nutritionists save the lives of severely malnourished children through emergency interventions and the longer term prevention of malnutrition. They treat severely malnourished children through feeding programmes and distribute ready-to-use therapeutic foods to treat malnutrition before it becomes life-threatening.


¥Water and sanitation

A community's nutritional well-being requires a lasting supply of clean water and the knowledge of how to use and care for it properly. We provide access to safe drinking water by tapping springs, drilling wells and installing water systems. We also teach the importance of water and sanitation in preventing disease and train communities to maintain water and sanitation equipment.


Food security

Addressing malnutrition is about much more than just distributing food. We combine emergency relief with programmes that help develop dependable sources of income. By providing seeds, tools, training and income-generating activities, we help vulnerable people regain their self-sufficiency for the long-term.


A vicious circle exists between disease and malnutrition. A malnourished child is more vulnerable to diseases than a well-fed child. A sick child, weakened by illness, often becomes a victim of malnutrition. It is therefore necessary to fight disease to combat hunger. We set up mother and child health centers to provide immunisation and pre/post-natal care. Our public health programmes aim at training medical staff, providing medicine, monitoring and controlling epidemics.

To know more look at this site :

ACF London:

Have a nice race !

07 mai 2012

Elections in France, Greece and Russia

In elections around Europe, France and Russia have new presidents but the people of Greece can't make up their minds.

Francois Hollande is the name of the new French president, elected after the people of France went out to vote at the weekend.

Russia has voted for Vladimir Putin to be their president - he has had the job before so he's a familiar face.

But in Greece, no leader has been able to get a big enough win.

To know more about it go there.

02 mai 2012

Last month was wettest April for more than 100 years in the uk

We weren't the only ones to sing in the rain, I hope we can soon sing : Here comes the sun !

Rehearse and train in the shower it may work
Signed : A teacher who wants to see the sun outside or in her classroom ! sunshine.jpg

About " Somewhere I belong " from Linkin park

You can watch it again here 

To read the lyrics go there and after you can also read the comments the people made about it and or send me yours.

06 avril 2012

All about Easter.

First this little message to read from (

You will also find a lot of interesting general information on this site.

Then why not listening to Jessica on She explains what she and her family usually do on Easter.

Here you can watch a video of the white house for last Easter with Mr Obama

And on this one you'll see what English children had planned to do.

Learn more on the author of one of the most famous book about rabbit.

Now tell me how are you going to spend this Easter week end?

Sleeping habits

Do you get enough sleep? That's the question Newsround's been putting to more than 1000 kids - and more than half of you said no! Hundreds of kids between the ages of 9 - 11 were asked about their sleeping habits and a lot of them told us their mobiles and TVs were keeping them up at night.

10 year old Lewis says he stays up playing computer games: "I play on my games - it takes me until 10 O Clock to go to sleep. It makes me tired in the morning."

So why is sleep so important? Expert - Paul Gringras - explains : "If you speak to any of the athletes that are going to be in 2012 - they know the importance of a good night's sleep. Your reflexes improve if you've had a really good night sleep, your reaction time to catch a ball - as well as your ability to concentrate and learn and do well in an exam."

The 6th forms Gaïa and Hera worked on this subject.

I'm waiting for their comments

What do children eat for breakfast all over the world? what about you?

Share your breakfast

Noodles? Eggs? Yam?
What's on your breakfast table? Schools around the world share their breakfast with BBC World Class and the BBC World News for Children.

At the World News for Children they've been asking  what you eat for breakfast. We'll be hearing from kids in different countries - Today we hear from pupils at Headlines Educational Centre in Kumasi, Ghana.......

"Usually every morning I like to have Milo, Milo is hot chocolate, but over the weekend I take Kenkey - which is mashed corn" "My favourite breakfast is rice pudding with bread and butter" "My favourite breakfast is Milo with bread and sausage. That's what I have every day. Sometimes I take porridge, cornflakes, custard or oats."

And if you want to read more about how kids around the world start their day - head over to the World Class website . Just click on

You can also give me your comments and I'll send them for you.

30 mars 2012

Tomorrow is another day but ...

so don't wait for tomorrow !

27 mars 2012

Congratulations to the 4th Tristan !

Dear pupils,

You've brought the sun into the classroom today.

I've been happy to hear the presention of your favorite town.

Your willingness to respect what I had advised you to do and all the efforts everybody has made have impressed me.

I've felt very proud of you so I just wanted to encourage you to continue this way. 

A very happy teacher today because of you :)

A+ or 3 green lights for U

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