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07 septembre 2012

Keira Knightley speaks about dyslexia on newsround.

Pirates of the Caribbean star, Keira Knightley was diagnosed when she was 6 and she says that: "Dyslexia is like a wall... it's very difficult to see over it."

The actress admits that it is hard work, but says that: "It doesn't mean that you're stupid... it just means that you work in a different way."

  • About one in 10 kids have dyslexia
  • Dyslexia affects part of your brain and can make reading, writing and spelling really difficult.
  • It can be worse for some than others - words can look blurry or jumbled up, or it can be hard to get dates in order.

Other celebrities who, like Keira, haven't let their dyslexia stop them from being successful include: Jamie Oliver, Olympian Steve Redgrave and even the man behind Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney.

So if you suffer  from it courage, it will not stop you from being an important person and if your friend are concerned help them.

Michelle Obama's Back to School Message

The US president's wife, the first lady, is welcoming the american pupils on their first day of school.

Can you understand what she says? what is it about? Will there be any changes?

Could we have the same speech in our country?

Do you consider this subject is important?

Let me know.

04 septembre 2012

Welcome back to school.

I really hope you had a very good holiday and feel well to start again.

I wish you all the best for this school year. I've got lots of new projects and this year is going to be really exciting.

Don't hesitate to leave your comments about your holiday or your feelings about being back.

05 juillet 2012

Have a great holiday !

The school year is finished and I liked sharing it with you.

Don't forget you can still write to me on this blog.

Relax well and come back in good form.

Frankenweenie is coming out in october.

It'll remind you of something after Frankenstein.

12 juin 2012

About Anne Frank's diary.

It's 70 years since Anne Frank received her famous diary as a 13th birthday present.

Anne was a Jewish victim of the Holocaust during World War II. She left behind a diary that's been read by millions of people across the world.

The Anne Frank Trust are calling on young people to mark the day, 12 June, by reflecting for a minute on Anne's story.

The diary was first published in 1947 by Anne's father, who survived the war.

Have you read her diary ? Have you heard about it ?

What do you think of this action ?

10 juin 2012

Euro 2012 : tomorrow France / England !

After months of waiting, Euro 2012 has finally kicked-off.

Over the next three weeks, 16 of Europe's best national football sides will fight it out to be crowned Euro 2012 champion.

Spain currently hold the trophy after winning the tournament four years ago.

Spain and Germany are the favourites to win this year's competition, with Netherlands and France also thought to be title contenders.

Find more about it on this link

Give me all your comments here.

07 juin 2012

The Jubilee

Cartoon from The Independent by Dave Brown : Money Down The Drain ?

After watching pictures and listening to comments about it what do you think ?

24 mai 2012

Our e-twinning project with Italy and Finland

Seen by our Italian friends.

Thank you.

22 mai 2012

Come and see our stars.

The pupils of the drama club and the spanish music band will be offering you their show on Friday.

Don't miss  that and remember that you can read the text of the play on this blog.

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