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25 avril 2013

Past simple in songs

Watch this and when you listen to songs pick up the verbs in the past simple you hear that's a good way to learn.

21 avril 2013

The winners of the London marathon


What do you think of their speed ? 

Are you training to break your record ?

Read more about it on Newsround and continue to work in english to go there one day !

16 avril 2013

Run, run, run and get some money for ACF.

Action Against Hunger - Programme areas

Recognized as a leader in the fight against malnutrition, Action Against Hunger | ACF International saves the lives of malnourished children while providing communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. With 30 years of expertise in emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity, ACF runs life-saving programs in some 40 countries benefiting five million people each year. ACF's 4,600 professionals work in over 40 countries to carry out innovative, life-saving programs in nutrition, food security & livelihoods, and water, sanitation, & hygiene. ACF’s humanitarian programs directly assist some five million people each year, along with countless others through capacity building programs in collaboration with government ministries. Committed to principled humanitarian action, ACF restores dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to vulnerable populations around the world.

Are you happy to run for ACF ?

How many godmothers or godfathers have you got ?

How much money are you going to have ?

How many laps would you like to run ?

Who is the best runner of your form ?

10 avril 2013

who was Mrs Thatcher ?

To find out read this page

Mrs Thatcher is dead

To know more about who she was you can watch this film.

Iris’s new recipe

Iris’s roussettes

Serves 6 people


75 gr of butter

2 eggs

1 packet of yeast

1 packet of vanilla sugar

Orange blossom water 3 tbsp.

A tablespoon of milk

1/2 cup of water

250gr flour

icing sugar




Melt the butter in the microwave.

In a bowl mix the eggs, the baking powder and the vanilla sugar.

Then add the melted butter and the milk plus  ½ glass of water.  Mix well with a spatula. Make shapes and cook in oil.

27 mars 2013

Easter in England

To know ho they celebrate Easter watch this video.

Listen carefully. Is it the same or different in France?

24 mars 2013

Pancakes'day was celebrated in Germaine Tillion secondary with Mrs Sallibartan's 5th forms.

To see how they do it in England go there.
You can look at our picture in the galery.
A good souvenir before the winter holiday :)

19 mars 2013

St Patrick all over the world !

To look at the pictures we saw in class again go there


to read the chidren comments on that day go look at that.

18 mars 2013

The venue of the oz company for the 6th forms.

Before the winter holiday they came to present their show. It was really appreciated by the pupils and they leant a lot.

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