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07 mars 2013

My school day by an English boy

A song to push you outside.

What are you doing during your holiday ? Are you in front of your screen or taking a bit of fresh air? Tell me

26 février 2013

An oscar for Adele with her James Bond song Skyfall

Listen to it again, sing if you want and tell me : Would you have voted for it ?

Tips for getting a good night's sleep

From a CBBC article to all my pupils who are tired at school in the morning
  • Go to bed at the same time each night even on weekends. This helps your body clock get used to these times.
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed.
  • Create a calm bedroom environment. Sleep in a dark room and avoid turning your bedroom into an entertainment centre with televisions, computers and stereos.
  • Regular exercise is a great way to improve your sleep. Just be careful not to do it close too bed time as exercise produces stimulants that stop the brain from relaxing quickly.
  • A healthy diet will also help but eating a large heavy meal too close to bedtime will interfere with your sleep.

To read more about it go there. You can also send me your comments on this subject.

25 février 2013

My crazy family

To continue the song started in class thanks to Sylvain Kustyan

17 février 2013

The green mice were born on February 17th in Gemaine Tillion.

To help you with your sciences lessons here is Mrs Massiani's new site:

Les souris vertes.

Now the question is how many are there ?

Go and ask her.

About Martin Luther king

To know more about him.

15 février 2013

A nursery rhyme to go to sleep

12 février 2013

Another song for Valentine's day

11 février 2013

A love song for your Valentine !

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