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18 août 2013

Exchange with the IME-IMPRO de Guillevoisin

The 5th Chasles have chosen to learn more about sustainable development. One of its aspect covers  reliationships  with  others.

So in Winter they invited the pupils of Guillevoisin for an exchange of poems. Each group read some poems that they had chosen during their french classes and explained why they liked it. Then we had a drink to celebrate this first meeting.

At the end of the year we went to see them and discovered their garden, their greenhouse and their farm.

We saw the compost they make and the rare wild orchid which grow in the park and enjoyed seeing the animals even the smallest ones.

Here are some pictures not to forget these enriching moments.

A nice discovery at the secondary school party : Some new actors

Some 6th forms presented their plays made during their french classes. They received at lot of applauses from the audiance. Congratulations to them.

A science school trip told in english

The fifth form went on a science school trip to Chauffour les Etréchy and after they commented it during their english course.
A great way to cross two subjects learnt at school and to base a course on real life observations.

Here is what they said :

We went to the geological site of Chauffour les Etréchy.
We observed the soil.
We listened to our teacher's explanations.
We drew what we saw.
We wrote what it was.
We picked up some stones.
Mr Garrigou put some acid on it to check what it was.
We climbed up the hill.
It was wet and a bit dangerous but the view from the top was beautiful.
We looked at the signs to know what we could do and what we weren't allowed to do.
We learnt a lot of things, it was interesting.

To finish a few pictures to remember.


3rd schools feast or " kermesse" for our secondary school

For the third time our secondary school was invited in June to run a stand and some 5th Chasles have managed it perfectly with the help of their teachers.

Here is the questionnaire they've created and some pictures. Questions_QUIZZ_kermesse.docx

Once again it was a nice moment to share.

15 juillet 2013

E-twinning project "a song a month" with the 3rd from Ellingtong

End of this nice project in which after introducing ourselves and our school and towns we exchanged on songs.

We took part in this activity book created by pupils.

We wrote letters after studing a song about WW1

We listed our activities during the year after listening to this song.

And to finish we recreated "The Voice" in Lardy.

Here are 2 of the dialogues made and played in class.

Some pupils had learnt a song and could do some playback on it and one brought his guitar and played something he had composed.

We had a great time.


The voice in Lardy : dialogue 1


Actors: Léna ( singer), Clara( singer), Gatien(jury), Lila(jury) and Malo (host).


Host: Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the voice!

Today, we receive two young and wonderful singers.

Welcome to Clara and Léna!

 Clara and Léna come on stage

Host: Welcome Clara, welcome Léna and hello

 Singers : (one by one): Hello Malo

 Host: Clara, Clara you are happy don't you?

 Clara: yes Of course! I'm very happy to be here with you and my partner,

Léna !

 Host: and you Léna ?

 Léna: yes! And I hope to stay here a long time with you, don't you ?

 Audience: yes!

 Host: I hope too miss! Do you know how the show is going?

Léna: yes naturally

 Host: That's great ! But I will explain for this audience. The singers do their

show and the jury listens and marks the singers. Girls are you ok ? ( the girls

nodding : ok it's your part!

During the show the jury listens and speaks


Gatien: Clara sings badly. It's no loud enough

 Lila : I'm disappointed, she doesn't have any power in her voice ! But she sings well.

 Gatien: their dancing are lazy and rubbish!

The show finishes

The voice in Lardy : dialogue 2

Characters: The TV host, the singer 's father, the singer, the singer's friend & the Jury

  • Host: Hello and welcome to my program for singers. With your family, I will interview you. Hello Mr. Smith, what do you think about your child ?

  • Father : Hello my child is very bad. I want him to be a doctor.

  • Host : Oh, ok. Why do you think that ?

  • Father : Because he doesn't choose his songs well .

  • Host : Oh, Sorry, but I don't think like you. Dear audience, I present Will Smith !

    Clap clap clap clap clap...

  • Singer : Thanks thanks thanks... I am very happy to see a lot of audience.

  • Host : Mr Smith, Let's listen to you !

    Lalalalala Baby Baby ooohhh oh baby baby baby ooohhhh !

    Jury : That's not enough ! You must work your voice and learn your lyrics better. Thanks.

  • Host : Nicolas, what do you think about your friend ?

  • Singer's friend : Try again next year !

  • Singer : It's not fair, I can sing very beautifully !

  • Host : Ok, good bye !






Chatting with E-twinning correspondants

It's been one of the new happy times in Germaine Tillion school.

My students have been able to chat with their correspondants from Italy and Turkey.

They've asked them about their every day life, the weather, their plans and their tastes. 

I hope it'll encourage some to try next year and that those who've started will continue.

The brioches by Iris

For 6 people:
250 g flour
100 g butter
3 small eggs
1 packet of yeast
3 tablespoons of milk
2 tablespoons of warm water
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Rest: 210 minutes
Total Time: 260 min
1In a food processor bowl fitted with the dough hook, put the flour, the yeast, the water and the milk. Mix well.
Stir in the sugar, the salt and the eggs slightly beaten and knead to get a smooth dough (about 5 minutes).
2Add the softened butter in several times while continuing to knead.
Continue kneading until the dough comes away from the sides of the processor bowl and becomes elastic. It takes about 5-10 minutes, depending on the robot.
3Roll the dough in the middle of a bowl and cover with a cloth. Let rise until the dough has at least doubled in size. 2:00 may be necessary or more. To accelerate the growth, the bowl can be placed near a heat source, such as a radiator. The heat should not be too important to prevent the butter from melting.
4Then fold the dough and place it on a floured surface. Cut it in 6 pieces of equal size. Form balls with these six pieces. If the dough is too sticky, you can sprinkle flour to form the 6 balls more easily.
5Put the balls on a buttered loaf pan and let the dough rise until it doubles in volume and completely fills the mold for about 1h30.
6Cook the briochs at 160 ° C (gas mark 5), preferably ventilated position, and cold start. By putting the bun in the oven cold, this will allow it to complete its growth, if any. The cake is cooked after 25 to 30 minutes. It must be a beautiful golden color, and if we plant a wooden skewer, it should come out clean. Slightly increase the cooking time if this is not the case.
Finally ... All the softness of the buns is in the lightness of the dough, which must remain a little sticky when placed on the mold. Thus, the cakes will retain its flexibility for two or three breakfasts (stored in a plastic box).

An apple crumble by Manon R

For 6 people: • 5-6 apples • 200 g flour • 125 g butter • 125 g sugar • Preparation time: 15 minutes • Cooking time: 30 minutes • Total time: 45 minutes Preparation
1Peel 5-6 apples, spread in a buttered dish. 2Prerare the dough by mixing the flour with the sugar and the butter partially melted. 3Pour the dough over the apples. 4bThen bake 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

25 juin 2013

Congratulations for your show at the choirs of Essonne!

24 juin 2013

Lectures conseillées pour la classe de seconde

You find a mine of ideas here

Tell me if you've read anything you liked. Please share and continue to give some news.

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