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24 septembre 2013

Celebrate the European day of languages

Tell me about Europe and Europeans, send me your thoughts about languages or write questions to your european friends.

New correspondants for the 5th forms

If you want to have a new penfriend tell me now. I'm trying to find some new correspondants for you. To get an idea about how to write the first letter you can visit my Italian colleague's blog.

09 septembre 2013

My name is ...

To sing again

07 septembre 2013

What makes Britain great according to David Cameron : one direction and many other things !

To know more read this article.

And tell me what you think about it or what makes France great.

04 septembre 2013

2013-2014 here we go!

Welcome back to school.

I wish you all the best and hope to see your comments and your work here.

Waiting for all your suggestions for this new year. 

For the old ones don't forgrt to let me know how it's going.

Get your pens ready.

Preparing one's introduction

This is how tazan does it.

How to say "Hello"

29 août 2013

Taking a break.

This is what each of us has done but how ? Tell me your way.

18 août 2013

Congratulations to the followers of this blog who often send their comments!

A special three stars for Iris who has been the most regular. Many thanks to Manon, Romane and Aurelien too for their participation.

I hope many more pupils will enjoy sharing the blog with me in September.

End of the sustainaible development classes beginning of sustainable devopment clubs.

This year sees the end of the sustainable development class. The 5th Chasles have done some excellent work over three years and have been involved in very interesting projects. 

Here is a picture of the last delegates who were also excellent cooks. It was taken after the end of term assessment.

This idea of Education to Sustaianble Development ( in french EDD )  will become a club at the beginning of the new school year. So if you are interested start thinking of what you could do there.

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