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20 mai 2010

No idea for next friday night : Go and see the secondary school choirs of Essonne at the Opera !

They play "Marco Polo" by Isabelle Albouker at 20 H 30 at the Opera of Massy.

I've seen them on Wednesday evening and I recommend it to you.

This project was created in 1988 and it is based on volontary schools, teachers and pupils.

More than 1150 pupils are taking part and our school was represented with Miss Cazenave's choir.

 It was a real delight to listen to them and to be able to appreciate their work.

Congratulations to all of them and to the energy of their teacher.

I'm sure everyone will keep a fantastic memory from this beautiful experience.

Looking forward to the next show. NS

Don't hesitate to leave your comments if you've seen them or if you were part of the choir to tell us about it.


15 mai 2010

If youv've got nothing to read have a look at this.

Tom recommends this book which is his favorite.

Read what the critics said about it.

“After Harry the Magician, here comes Oscar the Medicus! And it’s great! After reading Oscar Pill, adolescents will listen to their heartbeats in a new way. They are going to love it!”
- RTL, YA Holiday Pick of 2009

“Eli Anderson, the modern day Jules Verne…” - Elle

“Incredibly original, Eli Anderson’s fantastic young adult saga is as enthralling as those of J.K. Rowling, Philip Pullman, or Alison Goodman.”
-  24 Heures

Get an idea of the story.

Just like any other twelve year old boy, Oscar Pill’s daily life was filled with brotherly teasing, playground intrigues and schoolboy crushes. It was a perfectly ordinary life, that is, until the day he discovered he had a secret gift, and that he belonged to a very special order: the Medicus.        

Deep within the fortified walls of Cumides Circle, the Council of the Medicus is convening an emergency meeting. A terrible danger has just been unleashed – the Black Prince of the Pathologus, dark beings intent on destroying humanity, has just escaped from prison…        

As a Medicus, Oscar is called to Cumides Circle, a strange dwelling where trees can talk and move about, where books – often stubborn creatures – have voices, and where, most importantly, Oscar discovers that it is possible to travel inside living beings, including other humans.     Summoned to join the battle against the Pathologus, Oscar embarks on an adventure that will change his life.    

Oscar’s journey will open the gateways to the five Universes. Traveling from the Universe of Hepatolia (Book One), to the Universe of Spiros (Book Two), the Universe of Embrye (Book Three), and the Universe of Genetys (Book Four), Oscar has to learn to master his own powers as a Medicus and to prove himself by accomplishing the missions assigned to him. Along the way, he begins to shed light on the mysteries of his past and to understand why this ancient conflict has come to center on him. His adventures culminate in a terrifying confrontation with the Grand Pathologus that unfolds in the most fascinating and dangerous universe of all, the Universe of Cerebra (Book Five).        

At every moment of his voyage, Oscar is haunted by the memory of his father, a man he never knew but who somehow has always seemed close by. Vitaly Pill was a Medicus emeritus, one of the greatest of the order, but he disappeared in obscure circumstances before Oscar’s birth.        

The adventures of Oscar Pill are a roller-coaster ride of intrigue, adventure and pure ingenuity. The human body is transformed into a fascinating field of exploration, yielding discoveries that are at times both terrifying and fun. It provides a battlefield upon which Oscar, his friends and his enemies, meet in the eternal struggle between Good and Evil.

The first volume, The Revelation of the Medicus, was published in France in November 2009. The second, The Two Kingdoms, will come out in May 2010.

Here is the link to the book trailer

Have you heard about it or already read it too?

Thanks Tom for your advise. What about you readers, have you got a favorite book you'd like to share?

12 mai 2010

A new Prime minister in the UK

The United Kingdom finally has a new Prime Minister - David Cameron! The leader of the Conservatives took the job five days after the election.

But because no political party won enough support to be in power on their own - the Conservatives are going to have to share power with the Liberal Democrats.

So what about Gordon Brown? Well, just a couple of hours before David Cameron became Prime Minister , Gordon Brown moved out of number 10 - along with his wife sarah, and their two children John and Fraser. The last thing Mr Brown did was thank his kids.....

"I thank my sons John and Fraser for the love and joy they bring to our lives. And as I leave the second most important job I could ever hold, I cherish even more the first, as a husband and father. Thank you and goodbye."

So we know who's going to be in charge now - but what changes would you make if you were in Number 10.....

The BBC asked the question a little while ago. Here are some answers:"If I was Prime Minister I would change one thing - I would stop the destruction of habitats." "i'd encourage the electric car to stop pollution." "I would introduce more speed cameras because I see people driving too fast- especially near schools."

What about you? Have you got any ideas?

to know more about Mr Cameron go to this site

11 mai 2010

Talking about the weather : look at what has just happened in the USA

Five people are thought have died in Oklahoma in America after several tornadoes hit the Southern Plains region.

Hundreds of homes and businesses were destroyed.

Some highways had to be shut down because of wrecked cars and trucks.

And the 100mph winds forced the Oklahoma airport to shut after it damaged a load of planes.

Impressing and frightening no? Next time you could perhaps exchange on the weather with your correspondants.

10 mai 2010

Gordon Brown set to quit as PM

Gordon Brown has said he will quit as the leader of the Labour party.

Do you know who he is?

What does PM and MP mean?

What is the name of the former PM?

Leave your answer in the comments.

30 avril 2010

Will the volcano be your excuse for being late for school next Monday?

The government says there's still a "large number" of Brits stuck abroad because of the volcanic ash. They reckon people stranded in places like Hong Kong, Pakistan, Thailand, and Florida could remain stuck out there for a few more days yet.

Are you in that case? Dis it disturb your plans for holiday?

I suppose you've heard about the ashes from the volcano in Iceland but if you haven't it's been causing chaos over the past few weeks across Europe.

Over six days, hundreds of flights were cancelled after a huge ash cloud drifted in and out of UK airspace.

It has sent huge clouds of volcanic ash into the air, which has meant hundreds of flights have been cancelled because it's too dangerous to fly.

The eruption, under a glacier in the Eyjafjallajoekull area of Iceland, is the second there in less than a month.

The ash contains tiny bits of rock, glass and sand which could jam aircraft engines.

To watch a video about it click here.

The oil slick is arriving in the USA.

Oil from a massive spillage in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the coastline of Louisiana - causing a state of emergency to be called. It happened after an oil rig exploded last week. Since then, around five-thousand barrels of oil a day have been pouring into the sea. That oil is moving towards wetland areas which are home to many birds and other marine life. Mark Stebly lives in Louisiana - he says this will have a big impact in an area that depends so much on its fishing industry.....

"When the oil settles to the bottom it's going to completely smother out the grass beds and the oyster reefs. Shrimp populations are going to be decimated. I mean it's just, people don't realise the reaches this could have, from Florida to Texas."

16 avril 2010

Meet the Harry Potter stars.

To see how Harry Potter stars have changed  watch this video.

To learn more on Daniel Radcliffe in his latest musical role go there.

12 avril 2010

Clean water, healthy economy.

The week of sustainable development is finished but we mustn't forget about it.

With the 5th Chasles, we're going to look at the problem of water.

Share our discoveries and reflections on this issue.

Listen to this  podcast

You'll discover how they 've solved the problem in Yemen.

Then if you want to read it go there.

01 avril 2010

April Fools'Day : from the BBC jokes to some of your friends false news.

To celebrate this day why don't you watch one of the most famous joke made by the BBC.

You can also read more on this and the origins of that day on this page.

What do you think of these jokes the newspapers or the TV reporters make.

Have you been fooled? This is a question some pupils answer on this page from BBC Newsround.

Are you going to play tricks on people yourself? Tell me.

Finally don't miss the false news made by some of your friends.

A stroke of luck : a golden fish ! By Thibault O. 4th form Cotton

Three days ago, Thibault O. fished a golden fish in the lake "La Tpurbière" in Lardy.

It took him three hours and forty seven minutes to take it out of the water with his old fishing rod. The fish weighed fourteen kilos and measured three meters.

Thilbault became the richest man in the world. However the money doesn't interest him, that is why he has decided to give nine million euros to a beggar. This represented half of his fortune.


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