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30 mars 2010

The company OZ has presented its show in Lardy

On Friday 26th March the company OZ came to present its show "The Litlle Red Riding Hood and all that Jazz" to the 6th and 5th forms.

After studing the stories and the nursery rhymes in class, the pupils could enjoy the show live and appreciate the direction as well as the actors that were quite great.

Thanks to all the people who made it happen.

To keep a little souvenir of this nice moment spent together you can go to the company site where you'll find some pictures, some songs and the summary of the show.

Don't forget you can also leave me your comments.

29 mars 2010

For the news week learn more about news and the people who make them.

You're interested in reading, listening or watching the news, you've already written in the school paper or would like to, you'd like to become a journalist or a reporter, then go to this link you'll learn how they work.
By the way as you go on this blog tell me what piece of news most interests you.

25 mars 2010

Why putting your clock forward in spring and backward in autumn?

Don't forget we lose an hour in the morning this week end.

Listen to this.

You will know why and when people started doing it and the consequences.

Then you can tell me what you think about it.

A new species of human

Scientists say that DNA taken from an ancient finger bone found in a Siberian cave near the Altai region may belong to a previously unknown type of pre-human. The scientists say the extinct "hominin" (human-like creature) lived in Central Asia between 48,000 and 30,000 years ago. The bones were found with a bracelet, and they've called this ancient skeleton X-woman. One of the scientists Professor Colin Groves said that they think she might be a new species that we didn't know existed until now.

It changes our understanding in that we now know there was something different living in the Altai and perhaps elsewhere at the same time as there were Neanderthals in Europe and homosapiens in Africa and just emerging from Africa. But we don't know unfortunately what species this new thing was.

More deers but fewer gorillas.

Deer are becoming a more common site in our towns and cities. The numbers of deer in the UK has exploded over the past couple of years - there are said to be up to two million of them. They may look pretty, but in a built up area they can cause a lot of trouble. They damage cars and gardens, spread diseases and can cause road accidents. Andy Welsh is an expert in wildlife, and says it's dangerous because drivers in cities don't expect deer to jump into the road.

In rural areas people are more likely to anticipate a deer being around. But in urban areas it's just not something you would think about or consider. But what's important to know if you're on a fast road that may be fenced, deer are still crossing. They don't worry about stock fences they just go straight across them.

I've seen some deers too around Lardy and some wild boars and you ?

Do you ever see wild animals in your area?

In central Africa  there are big concerns gorillas are in danger of being wiped out. A new report by the United Nations says this will happen within the next 10 to 15 years unless something is done to protect them. They say too many are being killed or are being left homeless because companies are pulling down trees in the rainforest.

Chris Nellemann is an environmental expert. This is what he says : "What we are seeing now is that previous estimates from 2002, that only 10 percent of the gorillas would remain by 2030 were too optimistic. So we fear now that the gorillas may become extinct over most parts of their range within, perhaps less than 15 years from now."

That reminds me of a film and book we've got at the school library, do you know the title?

16 mars 2010

Discover St Patrick's day.

Thanks to Mrs Haquet's lovely and very interesting book you'll know everything about this Irish celebration.

So wear some green and don't miss it, just click here

Happy St Patrick.

05 mars 2010

A giant asteroid killed the dinosaurs

Dinosaurs were wiped out by a giant asteroid the size of the Isle of Wight, a group of experts have concluded.

There have long been two main theories on why dinosaurs became extinct.

One is that a giant asteroid in Mexico wiped them out, and the other is that lots of volcanic 'super eruptions' in India caused them to die out.Now a group of 41 scientists have studied loads of evidence and they now believe that the asteroid theory is the right one.

To watch a video on where to find fossiles go there.

To follow a chat on this subject on BBC Newround click here.

03 mars 2010

The UK Olympic gold meadlist coming back home.

Watch this video

of her bus tour in Bath to see how people welcomed her

or this one to see her in Canada.

02 mars 2010

100 days to the world cup.

We've only just said goodbye to the Winter Olympics, but in just 100 days we'll be saying hello to the World Cup.

The huge event is being held in South Africa this time around - it'll be the first time the Cup has ever been hosted by an African country. 

Some people reckon the tickets are too expensive and are worried that few African people will be able to afford tickets. The cheapest World Cup ticket for anyone outside South Africa is $80.

So what do the fans reckon? Well BBC repoters have been hearing the views of people in some of those African countries taking part....

CLIP 1: "No I can't afford to go to the World Cup. And I feel disappointed, honestly. Because it's going to be really exciting, it's the first time in Africa, who knows when the next is going to be?"

CLIP 2: "Added to that there is the complication of even trying to buy your ticket online. I doubt how many people even have credit cards in Cameroon."

CLIP 3: "We can't all afford it. Those who will be able to do that will be only the rich."

What do you think of the price of the tickets? Do you have any ideas on the winners? Are you a football fan? What is your favorite team or player? Let's talk about it.

01 mars 2010

The new film of Alice in Wonderland is coming out soon. Get ready to watch it in English

First you could listen to the song of the film.

Discover the playlist Alice in Wonderland with Avril Lavigne

Have you already read the story?
If you haven't here is the plot.

Alice in Wonderland is set in Victorian times where 19-year-old Alice is bored of her life and longs to escape. Her wish comes true when she falls down a rabbit hole and finds herself in a magical world called Underland that she dreamt of as a child.

Alice meets weird and wonderful characters such as a rabbit in a waistcoat, a mad Hatter and a blue caterpillar!

Alice soon discovers that all is not what it seems... Underland is controlled by the scary Red Queen who has taken her sister, the White Queen's throne.

Only Alice can save them by killing the Jabberwock, a huge dragon who protects the evil Red Queen and terrorises anyone who disagrees with her.

But with time running out, Alice has a lot to learn before she will be ready to defeat the Queen and her evil army of playing card soldiers!

Here are the best bits of the film

The special effects are brilliant. Even if you don't enjoy the plot, Alice in Wonderland looks amazing.

The scene where Alice shrinks, or any of the scenes with the Red Queen and her giant head, will have you asking how they made it so realistic!

and the weak bits.

The film doesn't follow the original story of Alice in Wonderland, so if you're a huge fan of the book then you'll be disappointed.

The characters

Johnny Depp is the Mad Hatter. The character was made for him! It's quite similar to Captain Jack Sparrow, the character he played in Pirates of the Caribbean.

The Mad Hatter gets the best lines in the film - they are laugh-out-loud funny. Also, he is Alice's most loyal friend and helps her out in lots of tricky situations.

To get a better idea, watch a little bit of it.

and to read it free in English,  click there

Now tell me do you feel like seeing it or reading  the book again maybe ?

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