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documents 4th form

Fil des billets - Fil des commentaires

29 mai 2018

Sustainable development week

Let's translate this video

Lire la suite...

28 mai 2018


Upon request for you

Lire la suite...

13 mai 2018

Upon request : it's a jungle out there

Lire la suite...

29 avril 2018

Where I've been and where I'd like to go

Listen to it here

Lire la suite...

09 avril 2018

One of your favorite book or film in english.

Chapter 1

He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air.

Metal ground against metal; a lurching shudder shook the floor beneath him. He fell down at the sudden movement and shuffled backward on his hands and feet, drops of sweat beading on his forehead despite the cool air. His back struck a hard metal wall; he slid along it until he hit the corner of the room. Sinking to the floor, he pulled his legs up tight against his body, hoping his eyes would soon adjust to the darkness.

Lire la suite...

A suggestion from you after the lesson at the doctor's : sick of it

Lire la suite...

03 avril 2018

Questions on your trip and about Easter and April 1st

Here is some work for you.

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23 mars 2018

Doctors and hospitals

Two more videos

Lire la suite...

20 mars 2018

At the doctor's

Here are some health problem to learn and some prescriptions to start.


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19 mars 2018

After Frankenstein a song for you : Monster by Skillet

Find it here

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