Questions about the trip ?

  1. Did you have a good trip ?
  2. Did you enjoy yourself ?
  3. Where did you go ?
  4. What did you see ?
  5. What did you visit ?
  6. What was the weather like ?
  7. Where did you stay ?
  8. How long was the journey ?
  9. How much time di dit take ?
  10. What was your accomodation like ?
  11. What did you learn ?
  12. What did you like most ?
  13. What was the most exciting ?
  14. What was the most interesting ?
  15. Would you like to go back there ?
  16. What would you change to this trip ?
  17. Did you know any of the sites before ?
  18. Was it your first time there ?
  19. Have you done other school trips ?
  20. If so , how do you compare this one to the others ?

Questions about Easter and April 1st ?

  1. Do you celebrate Easter ?
  2. Do you know why we celebrate it ?
  3. Can you tell me why we celebrate it ?
  4. What did you do last weekend ?
  5. Where were you ?
  6. Did you go away ?
  7. If so where did you go ?
  8. Who was you with ?
  9. Did you go egg hunting ?
  10. Did you hide any eggs ?
  11. Did you make an Easter cake ?
  12. Did you go to church ?
  13. Did you have any decoration for Easter ?
  14. What did you have for lunch ?
  15. Did you eat much chocolate ?
  16. Is Easter one of your favorite bank holiday ?
  17. Did you play tricks to people on April 1st ?
  18. Did you hang fishes on people’s back ?
  19. Did people play tricks on you ?
  20. what is your favorite trick ?