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documents 4th form

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06 février 2018

Frankenstein summary

Aussie news today

To get a change from the snow


Lire la suite...

19 novembre 2017

Skillet : Hero

This is a song upon request. One of a 4th form Aubrac's favorite.

Thank you for this suggestion. What's yours?


07 novembre 2017

Draw my life

As we're going to revise the past simple you can start by watching this and try to understand this girl's story.


Lire la suite...

10 octobre 2017

Getting enough chances


After hearing "we don't have the same parents" twice today I'd like you to watch the video on the link. Then I'd be interested in receiving your comments.


Lire la suite...

05 septembre 2017

School days

Another song to start.


Lire la suite...

A welcoming song

Lire la suite...

01 septembre 2017

Classroom rules

Lire la suite...

30 août 2017

Your last vacation

Lire la suite...

16 juin 2016

European Union referendum

Brexit text with British and Eu flags illustration

The Prime Minister David Cameron is asking people to vote on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union (or EU).

The public vote, which is called a referendum, will happen on Thursday, 23 June 2016.

The European Union is a group of 28 countries in Europe whose governments work together.

It was set up to help make trading between European countries easier, as well as travel and immigration.

EU laws affect many areas of our lives as well - like health and safety rules, and even how many fish we're allowed to catch.

For the last 40 years that the UK's been a member of the EU, there's been a debate about our role within it.

Some feel that being part of this bigger club makes the UK richer and more important.

Others argue that the EU takes power away from the UK. They feel that people who aren't British shouldn't be making laws for this country.


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