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documents 4th form

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26 février 2011

Are you like him : a Hobo ?

Listen and tell me.

25 janvier 2011

Shopping with the BBC

Listen to this or that it will help you to practise for your future shopping.

Practise your listening comprehension

You can listen to these interviews, they deal with subjects we recently worked in class :

1 Christmas holiday

2 Christmas eve and Christmas day

and new year resolutions

1 by Sarah

2 by Nick

You can also listen to many other subjects on the Audio Lingua site.

11 novembre 2010

An Indian celebration in London.

To make a change from the usual celebrations we talk about in class, watch this video and discover what Dwali is on this link.

If you prefer to read or hear a story about it go there.

05 novembre 2010


Listen to

Braxton (Indiana, USA)

and to

Mathew (Los Angeles,USA)

and make notes on what they say about this celebration.

12 octobre 2010

Can you find Big Ben on this map?

This is for Etienne and the others who didn't know where it was.

You can see it better on that link.

Have you found it now?

Tell me, where is it located?

Do you know other monuments in London?

03 octobre 2010

Europe and stereotypes

Learn more about Europe here or there 

Choose one country and in pair, write a little dialogue on it.

(One of you will be an English tourist visiting the European country of your choice.

To make it sound funny you can include stereotypes)

For stereotypes look at these :

1 What a perfect european should be.

2 How the americans see Europe

3 Draw or illustrate a person from each country

4 The brits abroad

5 Heaven is when ...

Work well, your work will be recorded

23 septembre 2010

School is cool !

To start discovering american school why not watching this site

It would also be a good idea to listen to this about the plege of allegiance

Then you could present your school.

19 septembre 2010

Back to school

How do you feel about being back at school ?

Tell me about your first two weeks.

Did ou find your friends from last year or did you make new ones?

Are you pleased with your timetable, the new subjects you're going to learn?

Have you already learnt a lot of new things?

What are you going to do this year?

Can you compare it to last year?

Don't hesitate to leave your comments.

Remember learning comes with practise.

I wish you al the best for this new school year and a lot of progress in English.

12 septembre 2010

How to ask questions that's the question!

To help you ask questions in English have a look at this site where you can learn and practise.  

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