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documents 4th form

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27 novembre 2013

A thanksgiving poem

Read this poem

Thou art Lord. I thank thee for my
House and my life and
Also for my friends
Near and far.
Know that I am thankful for
Shoes on my feet and food in my stomach, for
Great stars in the skies.
I love flowers with their
Vibrant rainbow of colors.
I am thankful for living in a
Nation that is free.
God, I thank thee for everything thou hast given me. Amen.
Julie McAfee

You'll notice some old english words such as
thou, thee (you), art (are), hath (have), maketh (makes), etc.

Now you can write yours to say what you are thankful for.

06 novembre 2013

A video to watch on Guy Fawkes or Bonfire night.

This is the link for the video. Work well !

02 octobre 2013

Classroom english : listening comprehension

Go to this blog to practise

05 juillet 2012

Frankenweenie is coming out in october.

It'll remind you of something after Frankenstein.

27 mars 2012

Congratulations to the 4th Tristan !

Dear pupils,

You've brought the sun into the classroom today.

I've been happy to hear the presention of your favorite town.

Your willingness to respect what I had advised you to do and all the efforts everybody has made have impressed me.

I've felt very proud of you so I just wanted to encourage you to continue this way. 

A very happy teacher today because of you :)

A+ or 3 green lights for U

12 janvier 2012

New year's resolutions.

Any ideas for new year's resolutions?
you can listen to the  poem we studied in class on this blog and read last year'scomments.
you can also send me your comments about our plans or wishes for this year.

20 novembre 2011

The 4th formers are learning about volcanos, aren't they? Here are some fresh news for them.

Massive volcano erupts in Democratic Republic of Congo

A volcanic eruption in Central Africa could be the biggest in 100 years.

Experts say the Nyamulagira volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been shooting lava 400m into the sky.

That's lava shooting up even higher than New York's Empire State Building!

So far there's no danger to the people living in the nearby town of Goma.

Park rangers have even set up a camp so tourists can enjoy the fireworks from a safe distance!

Kenny the specialist will have heard about it. I'm waiting for his comments and for  others.

07 novembre 2011

The 4th formers present school in France and their secondary school.

Here are some of the production of the 4th forms Tristan and Triolet. 

After studing schools in the USA and the Uk they present school in France

and their school.

Congratulations for your work.

05 novembre 2011

conversation practise : showing interest

In your first oral interaction some of you had difficulties to really show their interest in the conversation.  The followowing recording will help you.

Train to ask questions when people tell you about something to show you're interested in what they're saying.

First listen to this. Try to understand it and if it's difficult read the script  there and listen again. Then train to ask questions as in the exemples on the recording.

03 octobre 2011

School is cool in the UK

After watching school is cool in the US, go back to september 23rd 2010,  you can compare with what it is like in the UK, just click here.


And why not making your comments, posters, recording or powerpoints  about school in France.

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