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documents 4th form

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30 juin 2010

The 4th formers at the doctor's.

Here are the recordings some pupils did in class after the lesson about health and body.

09 juin 2010

Coping with exams.

Can  you control your stess?

Stress is natural part of being human. It's your body responding to changes in the world around you.

It changes how your body works and puts your mind into different moods.

When you're getting a bit stressed about an exam - it just means that you really care about the result you will get.

That can be a good thing if it pushes you into working extra hard as you try to get a good score.

But it can be bad if you get too worried and the effects of the stress stop you doing well.

For some tips on dos and don'ts go to this article from Newsround.

For more on memory techniques read this page.

Them you can send here your techniques or feelings about exams.

Revise the different tenses.

First don't miss this funny and interesting way to explain tenses

To change from positive to negative or to turn statements into questions go there.

To practise different tenses your can try this exercise or that one.

This one or that one are are good too.

Train well and don't hesitate to ask for help if needed.

07 juin 2010

Practise your present perfect.

Here is an interesting site where you can listen to a teacher talking about her life and using lots of present perfect.

Here you have the different uses of the present perfect.

On this link you'll revise how to use it.

On this one you'll practise switching from present to present perfect.

With this exercise you'll have to make the difference between present perfect and preterit.

Now you must be ready to understand people's experiences or to speak about yours.

But if ou have any questions don't hesitate to leave them in the commments.

21 mai 2010

Know your body and learn how to express health problems.

Memorise the body

Train to memorise the face

A very easy exercise to start

and another easy one

This one is interesting too

unless you prefer that one

For more details and full pictures go there

and to listen to the words click here

Now listen or read a short conversation at the doctor's surgery

or listen  to a longer one.

I think you're ready to finally be in good health.

Look at this poster now

and if you have any ideas why not making one on a similar subject.

01 mai 2010

No ideas for the next summer holidays?

Watch this ad for Australia and get all the present perfect used to make it. 

Read the script after waching it.

"We've bought you a beer.
We've had the camels shampooed.
We've saved you a spot on the beach.
And we've got the sharks out of pool
We got the roos off the green.
And Bill's on his way down to open the front gate.
The taxi's waiting!
And dinner is about to be served.
We've turned on the lights!
And we've been rehearsing for over 40,000 years.
So where the bloody hell are you?"

Why not creating your ad to your favorite destination, the holidays are coming soon and we've got to find ideas on where to go.

25 avril 2010

Do some crosswords and revise your irregular verbs.

Look at this site your find some new crosswords to practice irregular verbs.

14 avril 2010

"Interviewing a star" by the fourth form Cotton.

Here are the very first recordings made by our brand new reporters and famous people.

Forgive them for the mistakes, it was a first try and they were very impressed by the tape-recorder.

For those who tried successfully : congratulations for your goodwill, listen to yourself again and it will be even better next time.

For the others : get this as an example and be ready for the next time.

25 mars 2010

Learn more about a very popular dish eaten in the UK : Fish and chip

Have you ever had fish and chip ? Do you know anything about it ?

Listen to this.

You will know what some British miss when they are abroad (not in Great Britain), when and who introduced it, how it is made, what you can eat with, how popular it is and a lot more.

Write the answers you've found on the comments and then why not trying it or telling me about the best dish you've ever eaten.

11 mars 2010

Improve your listening comprehension 1

As some of you find it difficult to understand oral english here are some selected recordings and exercise to help you practice.

I suggest you start by :

"Nice to meet you"

"Tell me about yourself "

and " where are you from"

on this site

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