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11 décembre 2012

Sorry you missed the chat.

I had arranged it all for you and you missed it. Your Turkish and Italian friends were waiting for you. 

What were you doing? You'd better have a good excuse on Friday !!!

A disappointed teacher :(

18 novembre 2012

Want to play : "if you were President" ?

Go to this site

12 novembre 2012

Second chat for our correspondants !

We were on holiday but they were working last week and here is what they talked about :

The students of class II A had the chance of chatting together with their new Turkish firends.

Of course they used English to communicate and in addition to personal questions such as

How are you? 
How old are you? 
Have you got brothers/sisters?
What's your mum's/dad's job?                       
Who's your favourite singer?
What's your favourite song?
What's your favourite subject?
Have you got pets?
What's your favourite colour?

they also asked and answered to questions about school.

Turkish friends start school at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 2.30 p.m.. They have 10 minutes break like us and don't go to school on Saturday and Sunday.

They have Christmas holiday, long summer holiday but do not have Easter holiday.
The Turkish students and teacher said that  November 10th  is Ataturk's death anniversary and they sing their national anthem and read poems.
As Italian students didn't know about Ataturk they discovered he was the president who founded the Republic of Turkey and died in 1938.
Here you can read more on Ataturk

The Italian students told their friends about school and holiday in Italy too.

The chat was a great opportunity for them to get to know each other, to become friends, to share experiences, but also to learn more about the culture and the history of another country.

So let's share with them on the same topic and publish it on twinspace !

James Bond is drinking beer !

Is that ok with you ? What do you and your family or friend think about it ?

22 octobre 2012

Follow the american elections!

First click here to undersand how it works or watch this

then on this page you'll get the latest news about it and additional links.

First chat between the correspondants of the e-twinning project : a song a month.

The Italian teacher wrote a post about it in her blog, you can click and have a look:

and read a page of the chat

There were more than 20 people chatting at the same moment and they were eager to know each other and asked a lot of questions such as:

What's your name?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
How are you?
What's your favourite sport?
What's your favourite song?
Who's your favourite singer?
What's your favourite food?
What are you doing?
How many people are there in your family?
... and so on.

I hope next time the French team will be there.

16 octobre 2012

European Union Wins Nobel Peace Prize (13th October, 2012)

To learn more about it and practise your english go there.

Then you can tell me if you've got an opinion on the subject.

World Food Day today

Think about it and don't forget that we're happy to have enough food when unfortunately it isn't the case for everybody in this world.

If you want to read or hear more about it look at these sites :


11 octobre 2012

Chat: How should we remember 100 years since World War I?

To take part in this new chat look at the article on Newsround

Send me your comment I'll correct it on post it for you.

Hurry up !

28 septembre 2012

Kinds of people in this world.

As we've studied ways of describing people here is a good complement, enjoy !

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