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19 septembre 2014

3rd form Peterson's diary

8th lesson 19 Sept : results of the referundum in Scotland fiche golden rules : bilan de ce que l'on faisait et résolutions reprise de la prononciation de ed revision des composés de some any et no différence entre last et the last well et good place de l'adverbe well Rappel : l'expression de la similarité
HWK pour le 24
faire 4 phrases avec so et neither à partir des réponses données en groupe

7th lesson remise des manuels Lecture de l'article sur les elections en Ecosse 1er aperçu de forme passive : they'll be asked
Reprise du dernier cours question how often ? et how many times a week ?
Dicussion sur les règles de classe avec must de mustn't.
revision des pronoms réflechis avec to behave oneself
travail en groupe sur le questionnaire et rédaction de 5 résolutions
HWK pour le 19 être capable de dire ces 5 résolutions

6th lesson : Réponses aux questions fiche motivation 2ème partie à partir de l'extrait vidéo. revision de l'obligation : must et des adverbes de fréquence traduction de trop et pas assez : too + adjectif et not + adjectif + enough
HWK pour le 18
: Répondre au questionnaire de Golden rules.

 5th lesson 12/9 : restitution écrite sur les derniers cours Rappel comment interroger en anglais sur la leçon précédente
(Q)ASI ou comment faire une question - les pronoms interrogatifs et les auxiliaires
Hwk pour mercredi 17  finir la fiche motivation et regarder la video

 4th lesson 11 /9 compréhension écrite : des 14 phrases sur la motivation
 vocabulaire : adverbe des fréquence, composé de some et any
would conditionnel - gérondif après to be worth
HMK  pour le 12 /9 : apprendre le vocabulaire être capable de retraduire les phrases

3rd lesson 10/9 reprise de wish + preterit et wish + pluperfect et de I hope + S + verb et I hope + S + will + Verb
hwk pour jeudi 11
: apprendre le cours

2nd lesson   5/9
Expressing wishes
Correction ex 1
Watched a film segment of Benjamin Button
Wrote a short summary
HWK for 10th  September: Write 3 sentences about your regrets and 3 sentences about your wishes on a paper

lesson 4 /9 Expressing regrets with I wish I could have + participe passé
Rappel : formation du participe passé
Watched the trailer of Bnejamin Button 
HWK for 5th September
: finish ex 1

How children reacted to the results of the referundum in Scotland

Read the attached document to find out.reactions_after_the_results_of_the_referundum.docx

07 septembre 2014

Should Scotland be an independent country?

A referendum on whether Scotland should be an independent country will take place on Thursday 18 September 2014. Keep up with the news.

02 août 2014

New star war movie being shot on an irish island

To see some pictures go there.

15 juillet 2013

E-twinning project "a song a month" with the 3rd from Ellingtong

End of this nice project in which after introducing ourselves and our school and towns we exchanged on songs.

We took part in this activity book created by pupils.

We wrote letters after studing a song about WW1

We listed our activities during the year after listening to this song.

And to finish we recreated "The Voice" in Lardy.

Here are 2 of the dialogues made and played in class.

Some pupils had learnt a song and could do some playback on it and one brought his guitar and played something he had composed.

We had a great time.


The voice in Lardy : dialogue 1


Actors: Léna ( singer), Clara( singer), Gatien(jury), Lila(jury) and Malo (host).


Host: Hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to the voice!

Today, we receive two young and wonderful singers.

Welcome to Clara and Léna!

 Clara and Léna come on stage

Host: Welcome Clara, welcome Léna and hello

 Singers : (one by one): Hello Malo

 Host: Clara, Clara you are happy don't you?

 Clara: yes Of course! I'm very happy to be here with you and my partner,

Léna !

 Host: and you Léna ?

 Léna: yes! And I hope to stay here a long time with you, don't you ?

 Audience: yes!

 Host: I hope too miss! Do you know how the show is going?

Léna: yes naturally

 Host: That's great ! But I will explain for this audience. The singers do their

show and the jury listens and marks the singers. Girls are you ok ? ( the girls

nodding : ok it's your part!

During the show the jury listens and speaks


Gatien: Clara sings badly. It's no loud enough

 Lila : I'm disappointed, she doesn't have any power in her voice ! But she sings well.

 Gatien: their dancing are lazy and rubbish!

The show finishes

The voice in Lardy : dialogue 2

Characters: The TV host, the singer 's father, the singer, the singer's friend & the Jury

  • Host: Hello and welcome to my program for singers. With your family, I will interview you. Hello Mr. Smith, what do you think about your child ?

  • Father : Hello my child is very bad. I want him to be a doctor.

  • Host : Oh, ok. Why do you think that ?

  • Father : Because he doesn't choose his songs well .

  • Host : Oh, Sorry, but I don't think like you. Dear audience, I present Will Smith !

    Clap clap clap clap clap...

  • Singer : Thanks thanks thanks... I am very happy to see a lot of audience.

  • Host : Mr Smith, Let's listen to you !

    Lalalalala Baby Baby ooohhh oh baby baby baby ooohhhh !

    Jury : That's not enough ! You must work your voice and learn your lyrics better. Thanks.

  • Host : Nicolas, what do you think about your friend ?

  • Singer's friend : Try again next year !

  • Singer : It's not fair, I can sing very beautifully !

  • Host : Ok, good bye !






24 juin 2013

Lectures conseillées pour la classe de seconde

You find a mine of ideas here

Tell me if you've read anything you liked. Please share and continue to give some news.

10 juin 2013

The Voice UK - Season 2 Episode 11 - Complete - Knockout Rounds part 2

To give you ideas of what you can say during your show. 

How are you enjoying the hot weather?

This question was asked by CBBC Newsround on Friday 7th June. Go there to see what British children answered then send me yours. 

You can also listen to this song or tell me about other songs where the sun is mentioned.

17 février 2013

About Martin Luther king

To know more about him.

15 janvier 2013

It could happen again.

Here is the song we listened to :

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