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documents 3rd form

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25 septembre 2012

eTwinning project : A song a month

4 partners

  • Istituto Comprensivo Attigliano, Attigliano, Italy
  • Bartın İMKB Orta Okulu, Bartın, Turkey
  • Collège Germaine Tillion, Lardy, France
  • IES VEGA DEL GUADALETE, La Barca de la Florida-Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

Speaking English : who, where and why ?

To continue today's lesson here is an article that could interest you.

07 septembre 2012

Michelle Obama's Back to School Message

The US president's wife, the first lady, is welcoming the american pupils on their first day of school.

Can you understand what she says? what is it about? Will there be any changes?

Could we have the same speech in our country?

Do you consider this subject is important?

Let me know.

12 janvier 2012

About black and white people in America.

Go and watch this film or read the book.

La Couleur des sentiments Bande-annonce par toutlecine

23 novembre 2011

Discover Norman Rockwell's art.

For your art test or just to discover or know more about this artist.

03 octobre 2011

Speaking english and taking part in a show.

Look at this french guy at "Britain's got talent" and tell me, would you vote for him?

Michael Moral - "Britain's Got Talent 2011" par RebeuTech

27 septembre 2011

I'm the walrus.

For Alexis B and the others who wanted to watch it again.

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