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04 septembre 2014

Does your pet get back-to-school blues?

You might be experiencing 'back to school blues' as you reluctantly leave your holidays behind and return to class.

But the effect isn't limited to people; dogs also get upset when their young owners leave. Many dogs suffered from 'separation anxiety', which led them to bark, howl or whine (aboyer, hurler ou gémir) when their owners were gone.

Read comments about it there and tell me about your pets

03 septembre 2014

Hands up if you're enjoying being back at school

Answer the CBBC Newsround inquiry before it is too late you'll certainly be the first french pupils this year.

04 juin 2014

Top tips for improving your memory. What are yours?

If you find it hard to remember what you have to do in the classroom, some of these simple tips might help:
  • Record what the teacher asks you to do. You could do this by making notes, or by using a voice recorder on your phone.
  • Break down long lists of things that you have to do into small steps. Do the first thing on the list, then check what the second thing is.
  • Mnemonics can help you remember tricky spellings. An example is for the word because - you can remember how it's spelt by saying the mnemonic aloud: big elephants can add up sums easily. The first letter of each word spells b-e-c-a-u-s-e. Have fun making up your own mnemonics!
  • Use rhythm to help you remember tricky spellings too. To remember the spelling of friend, think "fri - end". That way, you remember 'i' comes before 'e'.
  • Use memory aids. These might be number lines that you use in maths or cards with useful spellings that you use in literacy.
  • Finally, if you have forgotten something important, you can always ask for help.

For more go to CBBC Newsround.

13 mai 2014

What's the cleverest trick your dog can do?

A group of American graduate students has developed a dog feeder which they think can make pets smarter.

The digital dog feeder uses behavioural science to set dogs gradually harder challenges with food as a reward.

We want to know if you have taught your dogs any cool tricks or if your dog is super-smart and why?


What's the cleverest thing you have taught your dog to do?

How smart is your dog?

What kind of clever things does your dog get up to?

Send you comments quickly and we could send them to Newsround

08 décembre 2013

Secrets !

Can you find others ?

26 novembre 2013

How do you like winter weather?

Look at this poster and tell me the joys of winter.

Christmas lights record

The world record for the most Christmas lights on a house has been broken.

The Richards family in Australia have put 502,165 Christmas lights around their home.

The family first held the world record in 2011 after putting up 331,038 lights, but a family in New York soon beat them.

David Richards said he had started working on his latest display in October.

"I took a week off... and then have worked every weekend since," Mr Richards said.

The family say they will open the display to visitors in the coming weeks, to raise money for a children's charity.

And you what are you preparing for Christmas?

07 septembre 2013

What makes Britain great according to David Cameron : one direction and many other things !

To know more read this article.

And tell me what you think about it or what makes France great.

29 août 2013

Taking a break.

This is what each of us has done but how ? Tell me your way.

07 mars 2013

A song to push you outside.

What are you doing during your holiday ? Are you in front of your screen or taking a bit of fresh air? Tell me

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