Does your pet get back-to-school blues?
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 04 septembre 2014, 19:36 - Enquiries - Lien permanent
You might be experiencing 'back to school blues' as you reluctantly leave your holidays behind and return to class.
But the effect isn't limited to people; dogs also get upset when their young owners leave. Many dogs suffered from 'separation anxiety', which led them to bark, howl or whine (aboyer, hurler ou gémir) when their owners were gone.
Read comments about it there and tell me about your pets
For those who do not know me my name is Joris.
I have a question to ask you.
How was your coming back to school ?
Joris L 4 ° Tristan
It was fine thank you. I'm pleased with my timetable and with most of my pupils. And you ?
I have never had any pets.
Would you like to have one ?
Hi I'm Laura, I'm in 4° Tristan.
I've got a big dog but I don't know if he has the blues because he doesn't speak...
Hi, I'm Roman I'm 4ème Tristan I do not know if my dog has the blues
Hello, I'm Nolwenn, I'm in 4° Tristan.
I've got a cat but I don't know if he has the blues.
I'm valentine, in 4° Tristan.
My dog has the blues in the morning when I go to school