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26 février 2013

Tips for getting a good night's sleep

From a CBBC article to all my pupils who are tired at school in the morning
  • Go to bed at the same time each night even on weekends. This helps your body clock get used to these times.
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed.
  • Create a calm bedroom environment. Sleep in a dark room and avoid turning your bedroom into an entertainment centre with televisions, computers and stereos.
  • Regular exercise is a great way to improve your sleep. Just be careful not to do it close too bed time as exercise produces stimulants that stop the brain from relaxing quickly.
  • A healthy diet will also help but eating a large heavy meal too close to bedtime will interfere with your sleep.

To read more about it go there. You can also send me your comments on this subject.

16 décembre 2012

The hobbit is out at the cinema.

Are you a fan ? Are you going to watch it or have you already seen it  ? Don't forget it's also a book before being a film. Have you read it or would you like to ? Tell me

22 octobre 2012

Chat: Do you spend time with your parents?

A new survey says that children wish they could spend more time with their parents.

If you want to read more on that go there.

Then post your comments.

07 octobre 2012

what makes teenagers happy.

Teenagers value the simple things in life

Having friends to tea or going swimming are more important than money, research finds

To know more read this and then tell me what makes you happy

02 octobre 2012

What are your school dinners like? Post your comment, it maybe on the BBC

Do you like them or would you prefer if there was more or less choice?

Do you want more healthy options? Or would you be upset if things like chips were taken off the menu completely?

Whatever you think, I want to know! Get sending in your comments.

If you send me a comment, it may be published on the Newsround website, and some comments may be used in their TV bulletins. They'll use your first name and your home town to show that it's your comment; your personal details won't be used for anything else.

Look at their article for ideas

04 septembre 2012

Welcome back to school.

I really hope you had a very good holiday and feel well to start again.

I wish you all the best for this school year. I've got lots of new projects and this year is going to be really exciting.

Don't hesitate to leave your comments about your holiday or your feelings about being back.

06 avril 2012

Sleeping habits

Do you get enough sleep? That's the question Newsround's been putting to more than 1000 kids - and more than half of you said no! Hundreds of kids between the ages of 9 - 11 were asked about their sleeping habits and a lot of them told us their mobiles and TVs were keeping them up at night.

10 year old Lewis says he stays up playing computer games: "I play on my games - it takes me until 10 O Clock to go to sleep. It makes me tired in the morning."

So why is sleep so important? Expert - Paul Gringras - explains : "If you speak to any of the athletes that are going to be in 2012 - they know the importance of a good night's sleep. Your reflexes improve if you've had a really good night sleep, your reaction time to catch a ball - as well as your ability to concentrate and learn and do well in an exam."

The 6th forms Gaïa and Hera worked on this subject.

I'm waiting for their comments

What do children eat for breakfast all over the world? what about you?

Share your breakfast

Noodles? Eggs? Yam?
What's on your breakfast table? Schools around the world share their breakfast with BBC World Class and the BBC World News for Children.

At the World News for Children they've been asking  what you eat for breakfast. We'll be hearing from kids in different countries - Today we hear from pupils at Headlines Educational Centre in Kumasi, Ghana.......

"Usually every morning I like to have Milo, Milo is hot chocolate, but over the weekend I take Kenkey - which is mashed corn" "My favourite breakfast is rice pudding with bread and butter" "My favourite breakfast is Milo with bread and sausage. That's what I have every day. Sometimes I take porridge, cornflakes, custard or oats."

And if you want to read more about how kids around the world start their day - head over to the World Class website . Just click on

You can also give me your comments and I'll send them for you.

09 janvier 2012

How would you describe yourself today?

Go there to decide and tell me why in your comment.

13 avril 2011

Mind the baby hedgehogs !

They weren't born a long time ago. They are very small and so cute. They are really useful for the nature. Let's be careful to them on the roads.

Don't hesitate to tell me about what you can see outside and how you try to protect our environment.

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