Hundreds of kids say they're losing out on sleep because they're worrying about things like exams, bullying or family problems, according to a survey.

More than half said they felt stressed at least once a week. Many said they struggle to get to sleep, miss meals or stop seeing friends because of how they feel.

Children were most likely to worry about tests and exams (57%), followed by family problems - like their parents splitting up - (31%) and being bullied at school or a club (30%).

Tips to help you if you feel stressed

  • Do some type of exercise such as walking, playing sport or dancing.
  • Do something relaxing - like having a warm bath or watching your favourite film.
  • Take a break from school work to do something you enjoy like listening to music or reading a good book.
  • Breathing exercises - take long slow depth breaths in through your nose and out from your mouth. Lying down with your eyes shut can make these exercises more relaxing.

For more information go to this CBBC article