In  the Philippines the country's most active volcano looks ready to erupt.

The Mayon Volcano has been spewing ash and lava for three days- scientists reckon it could erupt in a few weeks. Around 20 thousand people have been evacuated from their homes -

Chief Superintendent Jose Capintin says it's been a really hard task :
"There are some families that don't want to leave the area, but we told them there is an order that they had to move. So we had to do forced evacuations for some"                                                                                                               

People are sheltering in all kinds of places. This woman has moved into a local school :
"We don't know how long we have to stay here. We won't be able to leave until the volcano stops acting up."

It's not just volcano's above ground causing havoc - a robot has managed to capture the deepest ever film of an undersea eruption. It went more than a thousand metres deep into the Pacific Ocean - about 200 kilometres south-west of the Samoas. It recorded pictures of the West Mata submarine volcano, which is bursting lava into the water.