December is over, the old year has passed.

At midnight we honor the New Year at last.

Intentions to follow....and resolutions

We've holiday-ed well and had too much fun.

So drink up tonight and celebrate the new day.

"We're starting over!" "New beginnings!" ~ we say.

Our life has changed in so many more ways,

Since three hundred and sixty-four older days.

Happy New Year.

The city lights twinkle, they sparkle and shine.

And glow even warmer with good friends and wine.

The 12 months of memories; the days flew so fast.

We look to the future and let go of the past.

So drink up tonight and celebrate the new day.

We're counting down and time and time is ticking away to that stroke of midnight

The thrill in the air.

All over the world from Big Ben to Times Square.

Happy New Year.