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25 novembre 2015

Space rocket lands safely in America

A company who make rockets to take tourists into space say they have successfully launched and landed a spacecraft in America.

The rocket is designed to take off and land standing up so it can used more than once; it's the first time that a rocket has managed to do this successfully.

The New Shepard rocket took off from West Texas in the US with no-one aboard and landed safely again.

It can carry up to six people into earth's upper atmosphere, where they will be able to experience weightlessness.

Reusing rockets, rather than discarding them, would be a big step toward making space travel less expensive.

Now tell me would you like to go into space?

If not where would you like to go? What country would you like to visit?

24 novembre 2015

Rubik's cube record

Watch it here

Now you know how long it took and how old the boy is.

And you how long does it take you to do it? Who's got the record among your friends?

23 novembre 2015

For 2 boys in the 5th Pascal : about hiccups

Watch this

Do you know who I'm thinking of ?

Answer in the comment section.

First old man's story

Read it on this link. Enjoy. It is a story created by Federica and Giulia using storyjumper, it is only a short version of the story that you will find in the book collecting Italian story soon.

20 novembre 2015

UK kids give advice on how to cope with the Parisan events

As we've just learnt how to give advice listen to them here.

17 novembre 2015

More warm messages from our E-twinning friends.

From the Norvegian correspondants : to all our friends from Paris.

From Italy :

Returning to normal life

Watch this video to get whis is happening in Paris after the events.

16 novembre 2015

Messages from our E-twinning correspondants

Hello dear partners! My heart go out to you and your students, colleagues and your families! We are thinking of you! <3 Warm regards, Helene <3
- Posted by Helene Møller, from Norway 15.11.2015

Just heard about the terrorist attacks and thought of you. It's unbelievable and horrible. Hugs from Italy.  By Chiara 14 11 2015

15 novembre 2015

Paris attacks

Dear pupils, I hope you escaped this tragedy and that people you love are safe too. This video shows you the all world is thinking of us.

13 novembre 2015

Keep it simple

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