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01 décembre 2015

About Adele because you ask for it.

Look at her pictures and read about her succes here

Released on 20 November '25' is already the biggest selling album of 2015 in America.

Her song 'Hello' became the first track to be downloaded

Adele won an Oscar award in 2013 for her song 'Skyfall' which was the theme tune for the James Bond film. She recently announced that she will be playing concerts again after taking a break, and will start touring from February next year.

classes diaries

Friday 4 th November

4 Aubrac

Classwork EO dialogue avec des modalités class rules EO video 2 presents

homework Travail sur les 2 presents sur le blog 

6 Hera

Classwork grammar p 20 il y a, prep de lieu, adj noms et articles + EE écrire des phrases + - ? avec to be

homework revoir to be pour test

Thursday 3rd December

6 Hera

Classwork revision to be, voc clothes, fiche my bedroom 3 premiers paragraphes

homework fiche my bedroom 3 premiers paragraphes


5th Euclide

Classwork lecture des aventures du viel homme et rédaction

Homework A revoir

Wednesday 2nd December

5th Euclide

Classwork EE cartes de voeux aux correspondants

Homework apprendre les greetings et revoir les questions

Tuesday 1st December

4 Aubrac

Classwork : CO lesson 2

Homework : savoir utiliser les notes pour raconter la situation

4 Michel

Classwork : CO lesson 2

Homework : savoir utiliser les notes pour raconter la situation

5th Pascal

Classwork EE cartes de voeux aux correspondants

Homework apprendre les greetings et revoir les questions

6 Hera

Classwork CO going further + fiche the bedroom

homework lire la fiche

Monday 30th December

5th Pascal

Classwork EE the old man in the past

Homework Revoir le voc et le texte copié

5th Euclide

Classwork EE the old man in the past

Homework Revoir le voc et le texte copié

6 Hera

Classwork revision to be (+ - ? ) et chanson : I don't know much ...

Homework to be (+ - ? ) et chanson : I don't know much ...

4 Aubrac

Classwork Tableau de conjugaison

Homework conjugaison à revoir

4 Michel

Classwork Tableau de conjugaison

Homework conjugaison à revoir

30 novembre 2015

Some Beatles songs upon request

Is there your favorite song? If not tell me what it is.

29 novembre 2015

Cartoon: Climate Change Selfie

From the english blog

Global greenhouse gas emissions over the past decade were the "highest in human history", according to the world's leading scientific body for the assessment of climate change. Without further action, temperatures will increase by about 4 to 5C, compared with pre-industrial levels, it warns, a level that could reap devastating effects on the planet.


The cartoon by Brian Adcock from The Independent shows the planet Earth as a cartoon character, sweating profusely and covered with bandages and plasters. The Earth says, "Maybe people will notice if I tweet a selfie."

The sweat is a clear reference to global warming, and the message seems to be that these days people are more interested in posting and viewing selfies on Twitter than worrying about climate change.

More here.

28 novembre 2015

Writing Xmas cards

As december starts in english speaking countries so does sending your greetings.

So get ready to write a card to your correspondants.

Upon request : for Mika's fans

I've got this article and that one but they're old ones.

I've chosen this song because I think it's the right moment for it.

This one is good too.

27 novembre 2015

For my 6th formers who already think about Xmas

Tell us your Christmas family traditions

Go to this page to see what for.

Then on my blog every December you have articles about Christmas so you can look at them.

26 novembre 2015

E-twinning correspondants from Finland

Upon request : the skateboarding bulldog

Go to the article and discover it here.

Thanksgiving : Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanking all of my pupils for their efforts and the joy I have to see them progress.

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