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31 août 2021

How to boss going back to school!

Welcome back

to boos = mener 

Watch the video and read the article here to know then you can read other articles about the same sujet and answer this question in the comments 

Quiz: What type of 'back to schooler' are you?

Keep calm and go back to school

keep calm back to school.jpg
keep calm back to school.jpg, août 2021


September calender


22 juin 2021


Here are examples to write a letter of apology and a link to an article in which a singer apologises




16 juin 2021

E-twinning project e-book

This is the e-book made from our project with the 4th form this year. Enjoy



02 mars 2021

1O places in New York



08 février 2021

Some more happy news

Watch the video here 

04 février 2021

Discover Edinburgh


26 janvier 2021

To start reading a excerpt of The Ickabog by J. K. Rowling

Here Ickabog 3e-1.odt

11 janvier 2021

Hogmanay at Edinburgh castle

edinburgh castle for hogmanay.jpg
edinburgh castle for hogmanay.jpg, janv. 2021

As we're going to speak about Edinburgh discover this Scottish tradition here 

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