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14 février 2022

For those who didn't know Elvis



My gifts for you today

After the oral comprehension here is what I propose you today. Have a great evening 






11 février 2022

The history of st valentine 's day



19 janvier 2022

My crazy family by Sylvain Kustyan

There's my  mother with green hair

And my father who doesn't care

There's my brother who gets stronger

Every breakfast, lunch and dinner,

And my sister, oh! yucky!

Who eats nothing but jelly,

What a strange and crazy family!

But my favourite one of all

Is my crazy uncle Paul,

Always sings, makes us fly,

Always jumps and jumps so high,

Often eats a dozen eggs,

Often drinks two gallons straight!

Mister Crazy, in the family!


I remember yesterday

We all had such a great day

When we went to the sea, 

Oh together, we were free!

Uncle Paul swam like a fool,

Played and ran, it was so cool!

Great week-end, with my family!


Yes I love as I love tea

My little crazy family

And we laugh, and we run,

Oh together we have fun!

Mother, father, brother, sister,

Uncle, aunt, cousins together,

Yes I love my crazy family!

Yes I love my crazy crazy crazy family!


To listen to it go to my blog 25 fev 2013

The new spiderman

Are you going to watch it or have you already seen it ? 

Why not watching the trailer in english and try to write what you understand 


10 janvier 2022

new year's resolutions poem audio and test

Here you can listen to two people reading the poem and on  12 jan 2012 on my blog you can read some of your friends resolutions.

Then go to this page to see  which resolution you should pick

Finally on that page you can also find good exemples

Work well 


16 décembre 2021


Here is a film we can wattch this year during the holiday 



25 novembre 2021


A little video here to remember what it is and say what you are thankul for. 

thanksgiving.jpg, nov. 2021

I'm thankful for the pupils who come and say hello or nice things just to be nice or who try their best to learn and really make efforts for I'm so happy to see their progress. 

What you love about where you live

What makes you happy in your town or village is the questions some teens answered in this week 's,news 


Have a look and write your comments. 

happy in your place.jpg
happy in your place.jpg, nov. 2021


31 août 2021

Roll call

to take the register  = to call the roll =  to call roll = faire l'appel 

the roll call = l'appel



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