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17 juin 2019

What advice could you give 6th forms ?

The end of the school term is near and the summer holidays are just around the corner!

Moving up to secondary school is an exciting time for many, but the jump can also feel like a pretty scary one.

As you are leaving maybe you can help the new comers for next year.

If you don't have any idea you can look at this too and say what you think

Much more information also on this page

YMCA upon request


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Radio GaGa


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09 juin 2019

Vincent by Don McLean


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The GlobeTheatre


A homeless takes on Shakespeare

More about expressions we use in french that come from him here and one of the most famous ones :

The world is my oyster

Voilà une expression plutôt singulière qui signifie que le monde est plein de possibilités et d’opportunités. Cette expression est issue de la comédie Les Joyeuses Commères de Windsor. La célèbre devise Carpe Diem (“Cueille le jour présent”) a une signification similaire : pour réussir, il faut se saisir de toutes les opportunités.

05 juin 2019

World Environment Day

environment day.png
environment day.png, juin 2019

The United Nations (UN) named 5 June as international World Environment Day

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Positive thinking

no next opportunity.jpg


Zero waste?

To continue our work on the environment read this

04 juin 2019

A song upon request : Polarize by 21 pilots

Now you can tell me if you like it and why or what your favorite song is

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