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22 août 2019

Asking how someone is and answering

Watch this video

22 juillet 2019

Learn with movies

Here with frozen and many more

20 juillet 2019

The world is remembering 50 years since the first people walked on the Moon


19 juillet 2019

The Lion King stars answer YOUR questions


09 juillet 2019

A short and easy story to remember our last lessons in 4th form


Have a good holiday and read.


Free-books-online-for-kids-816x456.jpg, juil. 2019

Here is a site where you get free books

30 juin 2019

be and have


25 juin 2019

End of another great E-twinning project : board games to learn english better

As I wrote it on 20th September 18 a project on board games has been going on throughtout this school year with my 2 classes of 5th forms.

They have exchanged with partners from Italy, created and played games with them.

Most of them liked it and wish they had worked more on this project.

The families who saw it found it interesting too so I think it was a great idea as all E-twinning projects I've done so far.

Below you can look at a book that was made from some of the games we shared and on Twinspace you can read all the comments that were written.


22 juin 2019

Top 5 must see attractions in London


17 juin 2019

Sting and Shaggy in France

Watch them here

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