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08 février 2010

Listen to "Everybody Hurts" and remember the people from Haiti

And finally - the video and CD for Simon Cowell's charity single have been released today.

Would you like to listen to it ?

Découvrez la playlist Everybody hurts avec R.E.M.

All the money from the song will go to help earthquake victims in Haiti. Stars like Cheryl Cole, Leona Lewis and JLS all feature on the track , which is a cover of REM's 1993 hit Everybody Hurts.

To read the lyrics of the song.

04 février 2010

A new island could be born after a volcanic explosion near Japan

In Japan a big underwater volcanic explosion has taken place. The blast happened near the island of Iwo Jima - and it's thrown up so much lava that it could create a new island. 

To know more watch a video.

03 février 2010

Is it hard not to spoil your pet?

Overweight pets are becoming a big problem in the UK.

Everyone likes to treat their pet now and then, but giving them too much food or too many treats can be bad for them.

So do you find it hard not to spoil your pet? Do you think you feed them too much or are you always buying them toys or costumes?

Maybe you think people get too obsessed with their pets?

Send us pix of your pets' tricks

A parakeet called AJ can play basketball, do gymnastics and even score a hole-in-one in golf! But what tricks can your pet do?

Send us pix of your pets doing their best trick!

Remember to tell us where the photo was taken, what your pet's called, what it's doing, and your name and how old you are too!

What unusual animal would you like?

A family in Kent have got some unusual animals hopping around their garden... wallabies.

They're not tame pets, but they do belong to the family and that got us thinking - what unusual animal would you like to have at home?

Miley Cyrus has said she'd like a kangaroo and Zac Efron wants a Liger - a cross between a lion and a tiger - but what about you?

Would you go for something exotic and scaly, big and furry, or small and cute?

Maybe you'd create you're own animal, a bit like a liger but mixing two other animals instead?

02 février 2010

To give people electricity indigenous tribes and parts of the forest wil be destroyed.

In the Amazon rainforest  the Brazilian government have decided to allow a massive hydroelectric dam to be built.

The Belo Monte dam would be the third largest in the world. The idea is that it will store enough water to provide electricity to twenty three million homes.

But lots of people think that building the dam is a really bad idea. They reckon that large parts of the rainforest will be destroyed in the process. Not only would that be bad for the environment - they think it would also be devastating for the indigenous tribes that live in the area.

A solution to traffic problems in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh's capital city - Dhaka -  the government have come up with a rather unusual way of dealing with their massive traffic problem.

They've decided that every day - all the shops and businesses in one part of the city will have to close. The city will be divided into seven zones and each zone will have to take its turn to shut up shop.

They hope that by doing this  way less people will use the roads. But lots of people think the plan is a recipe for disaster. They reckon the parts of the city that aren't closed will get even busier because they'll have to absorb even more people. But for some shop workers who work seven days a week at the moment - it's a welcome break.

Do you think it's a good idea? Do you know other solutions?

27 janvier 2010

Stuck in space !

A space craft got stuck in...well, space! The vehicle - called Spirit, got trapped on Mars last year and experts have been trying ever since to free it. So far they haven't been able to get it down. So, it looks like it might be staying there.

NASA's logo for its new "Free Spirit" Web site to publicize efforts to save the stuck Mars rover Spirit. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.

Drinking sea water.

In Australia, the people of Sydney will have sea water on tap. The water will be treated at special plants to make it safe to drink. A special process called desalination will remove the excess salt. These plants are becoming a popular option for many Australian cities, because it's a new source of water in a continent that is extremely dry.

26 janvier 2010

Detention,extra homework : writing lines or listening to classical music ?

Now writing lines, extra homework - that's what detention is usually all about. But what about two hours of listening to classical music? Well that's what's happening at one school in Derby. The Headteacher reckon it calms kids down. So does it really stop kids messing around?

This is what onepupil said : "I'd prefer to, like, behave myself and talk at break times, than have two hours after school" "So boring! I'd, like, rather go home and not be naughty, than go for two hours in a detention listening to boring music."

What about you? Send me your views on that.

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