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03 novembre 2015

Play this game and revise your knowlege about Bonfire night

Go there and tell me what you remember after.

07 octobre 2015

Autumn idioms

From this blog here is my selection for you

Apple of my eye – someone who is cherished above everyone

“Even though Frank has three children, his youngest has always been the apple of his eye”.

Old chestnut – it refers to a story or a joke that has been told so many times that it becomes


Ted: “The best years of your life are when you’re a child”.
Sue: “Not that old chestnut again!”

Turn over a new leaf – to reform and begin again

“He has learned his lesson and hasturned over a new leaf“.

Take a leaf out of someone’s book – to follow someone’s example

“Alex has really done well to turn his life around. You should take a leaf out of his book”.

To drive someone nuts – to make someone go crazy

“That noise is driving me nuts. Please stop at once!”


03 septembre 2015

A story about Alfy's first day in a new school

To watch the video go there.

What do you remember about your first day in a new school?

01 septembre 2015

In Leeds today : the West Indian Carnival


29 août 2015

Welcome to my class.

These are great  sayings :

Maya Angelou said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Let's build the right atmosphere so that we'll all feel well

“Choices. Life is about choices. I’m trying to make the right choice because I believe in myself and I am somebody. It’s not about where I’ve been. It’s not about where I’m from, but where I’m trying to go. I am. I can. I’m going to make the right choices.” Jada Gonzalez
I'll show you why it is important to make the right choices too.

27 août 2015

Introductions with movies

Watch these videos and pick up how they introduce themselves and what they say or do when they meet somebody

Les Mondes de Ralph - Trailer [VO] par Filmosphere

The little prince

Listen for these sentences in the trailer

You are going to be an academy  graduate

You are going to make a wonderful grown up

Bande-annonce : Le Petit Prince - VO (2) par PremiereFR

Is that what your parents tell you before starting school again ?

02 juillet 2015

Have a wonderful holiday

Enjoy your free time and the sunshine. Have a very good summer and don't forget your postcards or e-cards will be welcome.

29 juin 2015

A film to go and see ; inside out

Inside Out - Trailer 2 [VO] par Filmosphere

17 juin 2015

You've got talent, show it next Tuesday


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