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02 janvier 2012

Happy new year everyone

December is over, the old year has passed.

At midnight we honor the New Year at last.

Intentions to follow....and resolutions

We've holiday-ed well and had too much fun.

So drink up tonight and celebrate the new day.

"We're starting over!" "New beginnings!" ~ we say.

Our life has changed in so many more ways,

Since three hundred and sixty-four older days.

Happy New Year.

The city lights twinkle, they sparkle and shine.

And glow even warmer with good friends and wine.

The 12 months of memories; the days flew so fast.

We look to the future and let go of the past.

So drink up tonight and celebrate the new day.

We're counting down and time and time is ticking away to that stroke of midnight

The thrill in the air.

All over the world from Big Ben to Times Square.

Happy New Year.

11 octobre 2011

The real HAKA

New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, is famous for the Haka - a traditional Maori war dance - that is performed to intimidate the other team before the start of a rugby match! Watch a haka in action here:

What do you think it means?

Can you imagine what they say to their opponants in English?

The rugby world cup 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011 combines the passion and intensity of the world's largest Rugby tournament with the picturesque beauty of the New Zealand landscape.

Are you watching it?

What do you know or want to know about it?

Send me your comments.

05 octobre 2011

Thanks for this lovely surprise !

I was welcomed with a whole class singing in chorus "happy birthday to you" and delicious cookies that we all shared. Yummy!

It was a very nice surprise, thank you very much again. 

The cook can give us the recipe for the cookies when she wants.

06 septembre 2011

Back to school

I really hope you had a very good holiday and feel well to start again.

I wish you all the best for this school year.

Don't hesitate to leave your comments about your holiday or your feelings about being back.

10 mai 2011

Big challenge on Thursday.

Don't forget you take the test at 8.10 at the canteen on Thursday 12th May, that is after tomorrow.

Come with a black pen and all your energy.

Courage everybody. Do your best.

If you still want to practise go to the big challenge official site.

Good luck !

Drama club play and dances.

The drama club will present its play on Friday 20th to the fifth formers in the afternoon and to the parents and friends in the evening.

To know what it's all about you can read the script of the play here.

We'll also have some dances after and before the play.

30 avril 2011

About the royal wedding.

They are husband and wife.

To wach pictures of the wedding go there.

For a lego royal wedding go there.

To get drawings of the dress look at this.

For a quizz it's here

For your wishes or comments don't hesitate to write to me.

01 mars 2011

St David's day.

To know everything about this celebration go there.

02 février 2011

Today is Candlemas day and Groundhog Day.

2nd February is Candlemas Day.

This ancient festival marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day and the spring equinox.

In olden times, many people used to say that the Christmas season lasted for forty days - until the second day of February. 

It was the day of the year when all the candles were brought into church and a blessing was said over them - so it was the Festival Day (or 'mass') of the Candles.

Candles were important in those days not only because there was no electric lights.

Some people thought they gave protection against plague and illness and famine. 

Before Jesus came to earth, it was as if everyone was 'in the dark'. People often felt lost and lonely.

Christians often talk of Jesus as 'the light of the World' - and candles are lit during church services to remind Christians of this


Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2nd in the United States and Canada.

According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, it will leave the burrow,

signifying that winter will soon end.

If it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow,

and winter will continue for six more weeks.

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