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09 juin 2010

Time for a song : Starlight

About a boat here a song you may like.

Discover the playlist starlight Muse with Muse

"Starlight" by   Muse

Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
I will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life
I don't know if it's worth it anymore

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive
But I'll never let you go
If you promised not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms

Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die
And I'll never let you go
If you promise not to fade away
Never fade away

Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Our hopes and expectations
Black holes and revelations
Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
You in my arms
I just wanted to hold


08 juin 2010

How to respond to compliments.

With the end of the year coming, you will perhaps, I hope, be complimented on your good results, for something special you've done, or just because of your look.

Here are ways to respond in english.

31 mai 2010

The Titanic.

To the fifth form Descartes mainly.

Here are some sites to help you do your researches.

After looking at them you'll have to choose an aspect of this story and make an oral report about it in pairs.

It will be about 1m long and come with an illustration (a picture, a power point, something you've drawn or created).

For information in English go there

You will get the members of the crew on this site.

Here you will find The map,

and there an activity about this story.

To finish have a look at this video to understand the importance of a good pronunciation.

26 mai 2010

The future.

Learn this first

Then start by doing this exercise to practise or that one.

You could also do this one 

Look at this message, can you think of others of that kind in which the future tense is used ?

Read that joke :

"Teacher: Can people predict the future with cards?
Student: My mother can.
Teacher: Really?
Student: Yes, she takes one look at my school report and tells me what will happen when my father gets home."

Do you know any that you'd like to share?

Read that poem
And try to write one in the same way.

Discover the vision of some children for 2020 here.

Or listen to a very old song about a girl who says what she will do when she grows up.

You could also watch this very easy cartoon just for fun.

Well I hope your future will be better now and especially your future marks in english!

19 mai 2010

Know more about Christopher Columbus.

To the fifth form Chasles mainly.

Here are some sites to help you do your researches.

After looking at them you'll have to choose an aspect of his life or adventures and make an oral report about it in pairs.

It will be about 1m long and come with an illustration ( a picture, a power point, something you've drawn or created).

 a video about his life

a text to read

some interesting information

his boat

a painting

poems and songs

Here are some ideas for your report if you don't have any :

drawing his routes on a map,

compare his view of the world to the world as it is.

drawing boats, sails. makings little boats out of nutshells

creating the seas he sailed on,

creating the land he discovered.

describing the painting in the painter's position

making a  telescope, showing the tools he had.

writing dialogues, little plays.

watching a bit of the film 1492, writing a critic on it.

writing the celebrations of Columbus day.

Work well now and don't forget Miss Fiasson and I will be pleased to help you with your work.

As soon as it is finished it'll be published on this blog.

18 mai 2010

The fifth forms are reading the future.

Listen to Lucie who is trying to tell Gaetan about his future.

Well done for a first try, no? Train like them and I'll record you next time.

04 mai 2010

When water gives electricity

Most of the British electricity comes from huge power stations across the UK.

They're mainly powered by coal or oil, but there are many other ways of producing power.

A reporter from the BBC went to Edinburgh in Scotland where experts are developing a new cleaner method of making electricity - using the power of the sea.

They've been nicknamed 'sea snakes' because they're really long and winding and they create electricity from the ocean's waves.

Politicians there have given the go ahead to launch a number of power stations that sit on sea.

A collection of giant metal tubes sit on the surface of the water, and as the waves hit them, they move up and down.

That movement is converted into electricity which is sent back to shore through large cables that sit on the surface of the seabed.

The project is still in its early stages, with engineers in Edinburgh putting the final touches to the wave machines before they are sent out to work in the North Sea.

Once they're in place, experts reckon each wave machine could generate enough power to run 500 homes.

Watch his video.

He even managed to walk inside one of the giant metal tubes which was really bizarre.

Inside the wave machine it was really dark and all he could hear was the echo of my voice.

There were lots of computers and wires all over the place and he had to be really careful wherever I stood.

Filming down there was pretty tough, but it was SO exciting to see how the power of the ocean could one day produce lots of electricity that will eventually be used by us in our homes in dry land.

01 avril 2010

Numbers, date, prices... and your favorite singer!

Many of you still have difficulties to remember numbers.

Here are some lists.

So why not revising here

or there.

Learn to practise them here.

To listen to prices go there

Repeat the dates here.

Then, listen to this.

For the time go to the 6th form section on this blog.

And to practise all that and learn more about one of your favorite singer go there.

15 mars 2010

Some help to learn irregular verbs or just to revise them

You could have a look at this site where you learn series of verbs.

On this one you can switch from positive sentences to negative ones.

You can also watch this video about a teacher from Madrid who speaks about her last week end.

10 mars 2010

Do you ski like this? Let's talk about sports or clothes!

More than 200 skiers and snowboarders are hoping they've set a new record for the most people in kilts going down a piste!

They came down in a line from the Ptarmigan Top Station on CairnGorm Mountain, near Aviemore.

It's all in aid of a schools skiing programme and the rest will go to charity.

The world record attempt came during Scotland's best ski season in nine years, because of all the snow.

What about you?

Are you sporty?

Did you go skiing during the last holiday or are you going for the next ones? How often do you go? How well can you ski?

What are your favorite sports if you don't ski? Do you practise regularly? Are you in a team?

The fashion and you :

Do you like kilts? What clothes deo you like best? What are you wearing today?

Send me your comments.

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