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documents 4th form

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14 septembre 2015

Meeting friends

Go to this link

and do the exercise

Personality adjectives


13 septembre 2015

Here I am

I thought this song was good for the beginning of the school year. Can you tell me why?

I also like the landscape in the video very much and you? It brings back memories ...

08 septembre 2015

Learn some jobs

Work on this power point and make a list of all the job you know in English.


Now make sure you speak about your parents'job and the job you'd like to do in the future

07 septembre 2015

Just me

Read this beautiful poem on this book p 17

03 septembre 2015

For the football fans in 4th Michel

Here are the news today

Wales above England in fifa rankings

16 juin 2015

The little house on the prairie

For those who didn't know it.
When the Big Woods of Wisconsin becomes a difficult spot for hunting, Charles Ingalls reluctantly decides to move his family to Kansas's more open and fertile land. Leaving their beloved relatives proves to be devastating, but the resiliency of the Ingalls spirit reigns supreme as they head out in their covered wagon. Along the way, Charles falls in love with the lush openness of the Indian Territory, and he quickly settles there with his wife and three young daughters. A kindly man named Isaiah Edwards helps Charles build a house, and Laura develops an instant fondness for him, but Caroline takes longer to accept his gruff nature. Joyous times are mixed with sad ones as the family deals with wolves, Christmas celebrations, Indian encounters, new births, fires, and above all, the unnerving realization that maintaining a stable, permanent homestead is not as easy as it looks, especially when they have decided to place their footprints on Native American soil.

12 avril 2015

Present perfect and first experiences

Do the game on this page

5O jobs in 50 states

To do the exercise after watching the video go  there

09 avril 2015

What the coolest thing you've discovered?

Meet the five-year-old boy who discovered a dinosaur in Texas

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