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documents 4th form

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23 octobre 2015

Questions for Artemis Fowl author

Remember this character and his author? We spoke about it in class and read about it.

Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl author has written a book which is all about imaginary friends.

It's called ''Imaginary Fred'' and it's about how his life can get lonely sometimes.

Eoin is coming into Newsround to talk about his new book. What questions would you ask him?

By going to this link you can send your questions. Hurry up!

16 octobre 2015

Idioms with a Halloween Theme

Skeleton in the Cupboard – a scandal that is kept secret
Ex: James has a few skeletons in his cupboard and is terrified that he will be found out.

Make the blood run cold – to totally scare you
Ex: The screams in the woods made my blood run cold.

Scared Stiff – so scared that you cannot move
Ex. I am scared stiff of walking on ice.

In cold blood – to act in cold blood is to do something without any emotion and deliberately
Ex: The victim was shot in cold blood.

A witch – hunt – an investigation carried out under the pretext of uncovering illegal activity but is actually used to harass people with different views.
Ex: The Government has been accused of carrying out a witch-hunt on small businesses.

Stab in the back – to stab someone in the back means to betray them
Ex: After all I did for him, he stabbed me in the back when he told all those lies about me.


Ghosts song

To the 4th Aubrac : wonder if I ...

Wonder if I gave an Oreo to the Big Bad Wolf, how would the story go? Would he still go huff and puff  or would he bring those pigs cool stuff to decorate the deck he helped them build? Would they not get killed?  Wonder if I gave an Oreo to a vampire in a creepy show, would he not act so undead? Would he thirst for milk instead? I've just got this feeling that it might work out all right. ‘Cause cream does wondrous things  inside a chocolate sandwich dream. If I gave 'em to great white sharks,  would they share 'em with baby seals?  Would they call up a giant squid for a friendly meal? Wonder if I gave an Oreo… Wonder if I gave an Oreo…  What if I gave an Oreo to you?

09 octobre 2015

Compare your school days to Jim's

For more go this site.

07 octobre 2015

Back to school stress

21 septembre 2015

The song of the week : You got it

To work on your personality

Go to this llink

19 septembre 2015

My life in the uk

This is a new listening task for this week.

14 septembre 2015

Meeting friends

Go to this link

and do the exercise

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