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documents 3rd form

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04 juin 2015

Witnesses speak about Anne Frank's last days.

Last testimonies of people who saw Anne Frank before she died on this page

03 juin 2015

Growing up as a black child in USA

The issue of how black people are treated in United States has been big news over the last year.

Protests claiming black people aren't treated as fairly as white people have sprung up across the US.

To know more watch this video.

28 mai 2015

She said plan b to practise reported speech

About heros.

Watch this movie segment and tell me what you understand and think about it.

21 mai 2015

reported speech

To train to report a convervasation watch how a person talks about her job interview.

Go to this page

And to watch 5 movie segments and practise this grammatical point it's here.

Daisy has just had an interview for a summer job. Lear
Daisy has just had an interview for a summer job.
Daisy has just had an interview for a summer job.

05 avril 2015

Sentences to translate 1 - 40

Here is the corrections. Work well.

02 avril 2015

used to

Watch this to know how to use it .

Then you can think of how your placement changed your mind and listen to this song.

31 mars 2015

April Fool's day

One of my favorite jokes.

Watch it and do the quiz

22 mars 2015

View of the eclipse

To watch the video go there.

12 mars 2015

Profiles of French stars Muffat, Vastine and Arthaud

France is in mourning following the deaths of three of its sports stars in a helicopter crash in Argentina on Tuesday whilst filming a TV survival show.

To read more about them go there

To watch a video about this sad piece of news it's here

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